Random and safe - state mode

I Introduction to status mode Here is the reference The behavior in the state mode is determined by the state, and there are different behaviors in different states. The structure of state mode and strategy mode is almost the same, but their purpose and essence are completely different. The behavior of state mode is parallel and irreplace ...

Added by cresler on Tue, 08 Mar 2022 21:14:17 +0200

A Demo takes you to play Huawei Account Services

stay Access Guide: An article about Huawei Account Services We have described the advantages of Huawei Account Services, such as one-click authorization to log in to Huawei for sharing the whole scene, sharing all user resources of Huawei Account, account security, reliability, easy and fast access, and why it can help developers to increase th ...

Added by assessino on Mon, 07 Mar 2022 19:45:12 +0200

Flutter Multi-Channel Packaging Details (Buried Point Statistics Series)

I'm Zero, not to say a lot, Brain Map Brain Map Combing As long as you follow Flutter, this article is definitely useful==>Highly recommended ➕ Collection Introduction to Multi-Channel Packaging The main role of multi-channel packaging is to meet the operational needs of products, statistical channels and activity results.Previ ...

Added by 121212 on Mon, 07 Mar 2022 19:13:19 +0200

Open camera after android 7.0 to take avatar upload

Today, I'm doing android development related to this avatar. I keep looking for data on the Internet and don't know anything. Then I copy it. What's the problem? Now android can open a camera without simply asking for it. According to the data I found today, the URI of the file can't be used outside of this APP, so a conversion is needed. Then ...

Added by ggkfc on Sun, 06 Mar 2022 20:22:30 +0200

CH9 network programming

target Understand the introduction of HTTP protocol communication, and be able to say what is HTTP protocolMaster the usage of HttpURLConnection and be able to use HttpURLConnection to access the networkMaster the use of WebView control, and be able to use WebView control to load different web pagesMaster the parsing of JSON data and be ab ...

Added by dhimok on Sun, 06 Mar 2022 16:59:06 +0200

Flutter State Management--An Analysis of the Principle of InheritedWidget Data Sharing

What is InheritedWidget This is described in the documentation notes for InheritedWidget: Base class for widgets that efficiently propagate information down the tree. Base class that effectively conveys information to subtrees in the rendering tree. Access from app: void main() { runApp(MyApp()); // runApp(CustomInheritedWidget()) ...

Added by jenreb1 on Sat, 05 Mar 2022 19:20:44 +0200

Flutter common components

Slider assembly It's a slider component that can slide. You know what I mean! This is the original look: Slider(value: 0, onChanged: (value) {}), This is the styled Slider: class _SliderDemoState extends State<SliderDemo> { // Set the callback value to zero, and each drag will change this value double _value = 0; @override Wi ...

Added by Griffin on Sat, 05 Mar 2022 15:22:04 +0200

Uni app Android local packaging learning record

1. Download Android Studio Download address: Android Developers | Android Developers 2. Download android SDK Download address: Native developer support 3. Unzip Android SDK - > View release MD file - > check whether the current HBuilderX is the same as the specified packaging version - > update HBuilderX to the corresponding ...

Added by gojiita on Fri, 04 Mar 2022 15:36:44 +0200

Android: simple component architecture steps

Tip: after the article is written, the directory can be generated automatically. Please refer to the help document on the right for how to generate it preface Review the steps of Android component development architecture 1, Create Business component layer The Module created by the business component layer adopts phone & table, w ...

Added by EvilCoatHanger on Sun, 20 Feb 2022 07:21:50 +0200

Android Studio calls Gaode map api

preface: In the process of successfully calling Gaode map api, I really encountered many problems. I feel that I have encountered all kinds of problems, such as importing jar package and For example, I found many conflicts between the two versions of grad.sok, but I did not try to resolve the conflicts between the two versions of grad.sok when ...

Added by Kelset on Sat, 19 Feb 2022 14:44:12 +0200