STM32-HAL library motor development encoder

Encoder programming is based on STM32F407IG, and the pre basic knowledge is timer input capture. Detailed explanation of principle The types of encoders include incremental encoder, absolute encoder and hybrid absolute encoder. This experiment uses incremental encoder The schematic diagram of the basic encoder is shown in the figure below. Ro ...

Added by nsarisk on Wed, 09 Mar 2022 09:47:54 +0200

ROS teb_local_planner use

teb_ local_ The planner is the base of the 2D navigation stack_ local_ Planner plug-in. An online optimized local trajectory planner is implemented to navigate and control mobile robot as a plug-in of ROS navigation package. The initial trajectory generated by the global planner is optimized during runtime to minimize the trajectory execution t ...

Added by cqinzx on Wed, 09 Mar 2022 06:47:21 +0200

[Apollo 6.0] how does the cyber rt use the Reader to read the data sent by the Writer (underlying logic)

How does the Reader read the data of the Writer (underlying logic) Last Article (upper logic) The process of reading data by the reader is described in, but there is no bottom-level Tansport. This is how to conduct inter process communication. Let's analyze it here. In ReceiverManager::GetReceiver, call transport:: Transport:: instance() - &g ...

Added by skhale on Sat, 05 Mar 2022 17:38:28 +0200

Analysis of PointRCNN point cloud detection model

1. Foreword At present, the common methods of point cloud detection are 1. The point cloud is divided into voxels for detection. Typical models include VoxelNet, SECOND, etc; However, Dr. Shi, the author of this paper, proposed that this method will cause quantitative information loss. 2. Project the point cloud to the front view or aerial v ...

Added by Danno13 on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 06:36:16 +0200

G2O Library: the basic use of graph optimization library, taking curve fitting (univariate edge problem) as an example

Introduction to g2o Library g2o(General Graphic Optimization, G 2 O G^2O G2O) is an open source C + + framework for solving nonlinear least squares problems based on graph optimization. Github ...

Added by phpbeginner on Fri, 25 Feb 2022 18:51:30 +0200

Apollo MPC horizontal control learning notes

Reference link first [motion control] Apollo 6 MPC of 0_ Controller parsing Apollo MPC OSQP Solver For detailed derivation of vehicle lateral dynamics model, please refer to my other blog Horizontal control principle and core code line by line analysis of Apollo control module Because it is similar to the code and framework of LQR control ...

Added by grant777 on Wed, 23 Feb 2022 18:41:48 +0200

Performance of sensor in HAL layer

Sensors are often used in daily life, such as stair lights in buildings, street lights on roads and so on. So what is the role of sensors in mobile phones in particular? Android phones provide acceleration sensors, magnetic fields, directions, gyroscopes, light, pressure, temperature and other sensors. In Android system. The code distribution i ...

Added by beckjoh on Wed, 16 Feb 2022 16:15:54 +0200

Control inversion, dependency injection and dependency inversion are indistinguishable?

Through this article, you will understand What is inversion of control (IoC)? What exactly does "reversal" reverse? What is the relationship between Spring and IOC? What are dependency injection (DI) and Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP)? What is the relationship between IOC, DI and DIP? 1. Control reversal (IoC) 1.1 ...

Added by advancedfuture on Sat, 12 Feb 2022 00:20:58 +0200

Cam for joint calibration of lidar and camera_ lidar_ calibration

About cam_lidar_calibration (2021) installation and use I brief introduction Among the many open source programs calibrated by lidar and camera, cam has a relatively good effect_ lidar_ Calibration. The calibration process of other open source packages is complex or the error is too large. The open source package has been revised. The followi ...

Added by damnsaiyan on Thu, 10 Feb 2022 19:24:56 +0200

PX4 from abandonment to mastery: mixed control and PWM output

preface A person can go faster, and a group of people can go further. Exchange and learning plus qq:2096723956 More nanny PX4+ROS learning videos: Share knowledge and transmit positive energy. Please point out any omissions or mistakes PX4 firmware version: 1.11.3 PX4 separates the mixed controller logic from the ac ...

Added by Death_Octimus on Thu, 03 Feb 2022 20:53:44 +0200