nsq deployment / delivery / consumption / cluster example

docker pull nsqio/nsqService port and relationshiptopic & channelCluster modePreparationBecause the multi node deployment is realized through docker container on a single machine, if nsqd/nsqadmin container wants to communicate with nsqlookup, it needs to access the service port exposed by nsqlookup on the host machine. Therefore, when crea ...

Added by mcirl2 on Mon, 07 Mar 2022 12:39:02 +0200

Introduction to the core concept of elasticSearch: ES cluster index fragment management

In the previous chapter, we built the ES cluster. Interested friends can refer to it Introduction to the core concept of elasticSearch (XIII): docker building ES cluster Here we introduce the partition management of ES cluster index ES cluster index fragmentation management introduce Shard: because ES is a distributed search engine, t ...

Added by semtex on Fri, 04 Mar 2022 18:13:56 +0200

Introduction to cluster and LVS, LVS-NAT cluster, LVS-DR cluster

colony Organize many machines together and provide services as a wholeClusters can be flexible in terms of scalability and performanceCluster classification: Load Balance cluster: Load BalanceHigh Availability cluster: High AvailabilityHigh Performance Computing LVS LVS: Linux Virtual Server Load balancing cluster Author: Zhang wenson ...

Added by Attilitus on Mon, 07 Feb 2022 23:23:05 +0200

[cloud native theme-26]: k8s - detailed interpretation of kubernetes (k8s) master cluster construction and installation process - addition of master node

Author home page( Silicon based workshop of slow fire rock sugar): Wenhuo rock sugar (Wang Wenbing) blog_ Silicon based workshop of slow fire rock sugar_ CSDN blog Website of this article: https://blog.csdn.net/HiWangWenBing/article/details/122786566 catalogue Step 1: Cluster Planning 1.1 official structure of k8s 1.2 experimental archite ...

Added by thewitt on Sat, 05 Feb 2022 04:55:59 +0200

Experiment of deploying LVS-DR mode with ENSP simulator and Linux

Experiment of deploying LVS-DR mode with ENSP simulator and Linux topology environment The customer's private network IP is The gateway points to the cell exit router, which is configured with SNAT conversion. OSPF is simulated between the whole backbone network to obtain the whole network route, and the private network ad ...

Added by parms on Tue, 01 Feb 2022 04:11:05 +0200

Cluster ----- HAproxy builds a Web Cluster

I Common Web Cluster scheduler The current Web Cluster scheduler is divided into software and hardware Software usually uses open source LVS,Haproxy and nginx LVS has the best performance, but the construction is relatively complex The upstream module of Nginx supports the cluster function, but the health check function of cluster node ...

Added by adeelzia on Fri, 28 Jan 2022 21:39:45 +0200

[kubernetes] k8s installation details [create cluster, join cluster, kick cluster, reset cluster...]

explain k8s it is better to prepare 3 machines, including: One master node2 node nodes The three host names and ip addresses in my environment are as follows: Note: do not use localhost for the host name localdomain maset: These hosts do not have to be connected to the Inter ...

Added by GaryC on Wed, 19 Jan 2022 09:29:46 +0200

Technology sharing | some problems and solutions caused by IP address restrictions of MySQL Group Replication cluster

The original content of GreatSQL community cannot be used without authorization. Please contact Xiaobian and indicate the source for reprint. 1. Problems encountered Tester Xiao Ling plans to deploy the MGR cluster in the docker environment for some tests. She has three containers with IP addresses: Install a ...

Added by csckid on Thu, 13 Jan 2022 04:00:43 +0200

[Java] Redis explanation

Crazy God video address https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1S54y1R7SB 1,NoSQL 1.1 why use Nosql Have some chicken soup first We are now in 2020, in the era of big data;The general database of big data cannot be analyzed!Force yourself to study! Only continuous learning! This is the only law to survive in this society!Study or for yo ...

Added by p0pb0b on Sat, 08 Jan 2022 07:13:51 +0200

Build a K8S cluster with single master and multiple node s in kubedm mode (K8S version: v1.20.1)

kubeadm is a tool launched by the official community for rapid deployment of kubernetes clusters. This tool can deploy a kubernetes cluster through two instructions: # Create a Master node kubeadm init # Add a Node to the current cluster kubeadm join <Master Nodal IP And ports > Build K8S cluster in kubedm mode Building a K8s cl ...

Added by irishdreaming on Mon, 03 Jan 2022 00:55:42 +0200