The button of the Flutter is the ElevatedButton

preface: Three buttons have been added in version 1.22 of fluent, including TextButton, OutlinedButton and elevated Button. Although the previous Button has not been abandoned, it is recommended to use the new Button. Official website api entry: ButtonStyle catalog: More button entries (buttons with icons or just one icon) Usage: they all ...

Added by CONFUSIONUK on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 08:29:21 +0200

[FPGA] VGA interface to realize AN430 color bar display on LCD screen

1, Introduction to VGA and AN430 1.VGA VGA(Video Graphics Array) is a video transmission standard launched by IBM with PS/2 machine in 1987. At that time, it had the advantages of high resolution, fast display speed and rich colors, and was widely used in the field of color display. VGA interface is the interface that outputs analog signa ...

Added by Franko126 on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 07:55:36 +0200

Java Web VI: other related problems of Servlet

Servlet 2: some other related problems of Servlet 1, Set code get request method Based on tomcat8, transcoding is not required To send Chinese data before tomcat8, the following transcoding operations are required String fname = req.getParameter("fname"); // 1. Break the string into byte arrays byte[] bytes = fname.getBytes("ISO-8859-1"); // ...

Added by priya_cks on Wed, 02 Mar 2022 13:15:40 +0200

Flex layout + Grid layout

Flex layout flexible box - any element can be specified as a flex layout flex layout: parent element - flex container, child element - item **Principle: * * when adding the flex attribute to the parent box, you can control the position and arrangement of the child box **Note: * * when the parent box is set to flex layout, the float, clear a ...

Added by guitarlass on Wed, 02 Mar 2022 09:44:35 +0200

Front End Prerequisites--Canvas

Life is meaningless if you don't write code to pretend. It's all 2020. If you're doing front-end development and you don't even use canvas, what do you want to do? Following the author, let's see what canvas is, what it can be used for, and which products are made by canvas. Introduction to Canvas 1.canvas is a new tag for html5, which is a ...

Added by f8ball on Tue, 01 Mar 2022 20:32:29 +0200

CSS start of front end

CSS html corresponds to the structure of the web page, while CSS corresponds to the style and layout of the web page - for example, changing the font, color, size and spacing of the content, splitting it into multiple columns, or adding animation and other decorative functions. CSS syntax Selector{ Attribute: value; } selector { property ...

Added by neveriwas on Sun, 27 Feb 2022 11:04:11 +0200

PC side web page effects

PC side web page effects 1, Element offset offset series 1. offset overview Offset translates to offset. We can dynamically get the position (offset) and size of the element by using the relevant attributes of offset series Gets the distance of the element from the position with the positioning parent elementGets the size (width and hei ...

Added by Gafaddict on Fri, 25 Feb 2022 16:58:52 +0200

css beginners must see, using css3 to make a beautiful online clock

Click the link to see the effect article has been released to official account: 100 miles of Castle Peak.prefaceTwo days ago, I turned over the materials and found a small case I learned when I first started learning the front end. I used css to draw a rotating dial. I don't know if everyone has written it, ...

Added by Sprout on Wed, 23 Feb 2022 12:49:40 +0200

Tencent classroom H5 live broadcast room click like action effect implementation I (CSS)

1. PrefaceIn the past, when watching the live broadcast of wechat video, I often clicked the like button in the lower right corner. It's quite a sense of atmosphere to watch its number slowly change from one digit to five digits. Especially when you press it for a long time, there is a feedback of mobile phone vibration, which is very touching. ...

Added by Atari on Wed, 23 Feb 2022 06:24:17 +0200

JavaScript knowledge points sorting - DOM - operation elements

catalogue 1, Change element content         1.1 difference between innerText and innerHTML         2, Attribute operation of common elements         2.1 case exercise - modifying element attributes src         2.2 case exercises show different pictures and greetings at different times          3, Attribute operation of form element       ...

Added by fhil85 on Wed, 23 Feb 2022 01:34:02 +0200