How to Design a Privilege Authorization Service in Microservices

Role-based access control (RBAC) One way to restrict system access to authorized users is to define policy-independent access control mechanisms around roles and privileges, and the components of RBAC make it easy to perform user assignments. Within the organization, various jobs will be created role .Permissions to perform certain actions ha ...

Added by fordyh on Fri, 26 Jun 2020 04:14:55 +0300

[Video and Audio Data Processing] H.264 video stream analysis

0. Basic concepts The location of the 0.1 video stream in the video player is as follows: H.264 original code stream (also known as "naked stream") is composed of one NALU. Their structure is shown in the figure below. 0.2 to be more accurate, the original NALU unit is composed of: [st ...

Added by Termina on Wed, 24 Jun 2020 10:42:32 +0300

Explosion series: in depth exploration of automatic construction technology of Gradle

0 preface   Obviously, Gradle is a powerful build tool, and many articles only treat it as a tool. However, Gradle is not only a powerful build tool, it looks more like a programming framework. The composition of Gradle can be divided into the following three aspects:   1) , groovy core syntax: including groovy basic syntax, closure, dat ...

Added by datoshway on Wed, 24 Jun 2020 04:54:07 +0300

Don't worry about picture processing, give you ten helpers

In this paper, Apollo will introduce ten "little helpers" for your little buddies, each with unique skills such as blurring, compressing, cropping, rotating, synthesizing, and comparing.I'm sure you'll be able to cope with most picture processing scenarios easily once you know them. But before ...

Added by tr0gd0rr on Tue, 23 Jun 2020 04:29:55 +0300

Touch and take you to understand Vue's responsive principle

preface As the core of Vue, responsive principle uses data hijacking to realize data-driven view. In the interview is often examined knowledge points, but also interview bonus items. This paper will analyze the workflow of response principle step by step, mainly in the following structure: Analyze key members and understand them to help unders ...

Added by chanchelkumar on Mon, 22 Jun 2020 06:07:29 +0300

Alternative to Swagger

Today, I will give you an interface document generator, JApiDocs. swagger must have been used by everyone. It's very convenient and powerful. If you want to say what's wrong with swaager, it must be that annotations are more cumbersome to write. If I say that there is a tool that can generate documents without comments, are you excited? He is o ...

Added by wildmalc on Mon, 22 Jun 2020 05:08:54 +0300

Building guide of vuePress blog

Building guide of vuePress blog node environment and npm support required If npm will not be installed, go to: Installation instructions Overview of vuePress Static website generator driven by Vue Generating web pages based on markdown syntax Customizable and extensible styles Can be published to gi ...

Added by irandoct on Sun, 21 Jun 2020 12:49:03 +0300

Qt open source work 37 network transfer server

1, Foreword Qt has been developed for 10 years, including many projects. Based on the rapid development of web and mobile Internet, a large number of application scenarios need a network transit server, which can realize mobile app or other client remote control devices. Now the Internet of things is developing very rapidly, which is the genera ...

Added by j_miguel_y on Sun, 21 Jun 2020 06:10:18 +0300

rrweb practical case and JS Download

I found this front-end artifact tool by accident. First, about rrweb: This tool can record the user's operation process on the Web page, turn it into serializable log data, and play it back. Programmers can use it to debug bugs remotely, and product managers can use it to collect and analyze user b ...

Added by c-o-d-e on Sat, 20 Jun 2020 05:58:46 +0300

Packaging Helm diagrams using Operator technology and deploying them to K8S clusters

Preface In " Packaging and deploying complex applications to the k8s cluster using helm "In this article, we package the application as a chart with helm, which simplifies the deployment process. However, while helm supports Seamless Upgrades for Stateless Applications on the line of Basic Install, replacing the mirrored version to ta ...

Added by kevin_newbie on Fri, 19 Jun 2020 19:26:51 +0300