Common concepts and commands of Kubernetes

How kubedm works Install master When initializing the master, just execute the kubedm init command: kubeadm init --pod-network-cidr --kubernetes-version st able This command will automatically: System status inspection;Generate a token;Generate self signed CA and client certificate;Generate kubeconfig to connect kubelet to A ...

Added by climbjm on Mon, 21 Feb 2022 05:44:56 +0200

Get twice the result with half the effort: understanding and using Helm

What's Helm? Helm is the package manager of Kubernetes. Like package management tools such as yum and apt, helm can easily deploy the applications we want with one click. Writing Helm has three main goals: 1. Easily realize "from zero to Kubernetes"; 2. Provide a software package management system similar to the operating syste ...

Added by g7pwx on Sun, 20 Feb 2022 19:03:11 +0200

CEPH CSI source code analysis RBD driver controller server analysis

Kubernetes CEPH CSI analysis directory navigation CEPH CSI source code analysis (4) - RBD driver controller server analysis When the driver type specified when the CEPH CSI component is started is rbd, the services related to rbd driver will be started. Then, according to the parameter configuration of controllerserver and nodeserver, decide ...

Added by Sharif on Sun, 20 Feb 2022 01:44:50 +0200

K8s - 3 core concept - 15 Helm

K8s - Catalog 1, kubernetes core technology Helm 1. Helm introduction Application objects on K8S are composed of specific resource descriptions, including deployment, service, etc. They are saved in their own files or written to a configuration file. Then kubectl apply – f is deployed. If the application consists of only one ...

Added by atravotum on Sat, 19 Feb 2022 14:09:10 +0200

Deploy a complete set of enterprise K8s clusters

Deploy a complete set of enterprise K8s clusters 1, Prepare the environment Server requirements: • recommended minimum hardware configuration: 4-core CPU, 4G memory, 50G hard disk • it is better for the server to access the external network. There will be a need to pull the image from the Internet. If the server cannot access the ...

Added by nediaz on Sat, 19 Feb 2022 07:47:46 +0200

Kubernetes1. Upgrade from 14. X to 1.15 Version x -- kubedm installation

1, Explain This article describes how to upgrade the Kubernetes cluster created with kubedm from version 1.13 X upgrade to version 1.14 x. You can only upgrade from one MINOR version to the next, or upgrade between PATCH versions of the same MINOR. In other words, MINOR version cannot be skipped during upgrade. For example, you can start fro ...

Added by hawleyj on Fri, 18 Feb 2022 03:00:37 +0200

CEPH CSI source code analysis RBD driver nodeserver analysis

Kubernetes CEPH CSI analysis directory navigation CEPH CSI source code analysis (6) - RBD driver nodeserver analysis (Part 2) When the driver type specified when the CEPH CSI component is started is rbd, the services related to rbd driver will be started. Then, according to the parameter configuration of controllerserver and nodeserver, decid ...

Added by zak on Thu, 17 Feb 2022 13:39:54 +0200

Kubernetes notes storage

There are Volume and Mount concepts in the operating system. Volume: represents the logical abstraction of physical storageMount: Mount external storage into the system and container. In order to solve the data storage of containers, kubernetes also introduces the concept of Volume. Kubernetes divides Volume storage into ordinary non pers ...

Added by Santonian on Mon, 14 Feb 2022 15:23:26 +0200

rancher2.0 how to build, details

######################################################################################### Environmental preparation: Three virtual machines can be connected to the external network master 0001: worker 0002: 0003: Minimum 2cpu 2G memory, 100G of my virtual machine hard disk configuration Switch partition ...

Added by lavender on Sat, 12 Feb 2022 06:30:19 +0200

k8s set up mysql master-slave synchronization

1. mysql master image configuration   first, we need to obtain the dockerfile file from the docker hub official website for subsequent modifications. The address is as follows:    then copy one copy of the 8.0 folder and name the other 8.0_slave. Enter the 8.0 folder, where ther ...

Added by andrewburgess on Thu, 10 Feb 2022 16:19:38 +0200