Used car Task2 data analysis

#coding:utf-8 #Import warnings package and use filter to ignore warning statements. import warnings warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') import pandas as pd import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns import missingno as msno ## 1) Load training set and test set; path = './' Train_data = pd.read_csv(path+'car_train_ ...

Added by TheTitans on Mon, 07 Mar 2022 20:15:56 +0200

Experiment of deep learning and natural language processing -- Calculation of Chinese information entropy

Problem description First read enterprise_ of_ English_ Peter Brown, refer to the above article to calculate the average information entropy of Chinese. Database: Experimental principle Information entropy The concept of information entropy was first proposed by Shannon (1916-2001) in 1948 based on the c ...

Added by LuiePL on Mon, 07 Mar 2022 19:32:41 +0200

Machine Learning A-Z learning notes 16 Thompson sampling algorithm

Machine Learning A-Z learning notes 16 Thompson sampling algorithm 1. Simple principle This paper continues to talk about a reinforcement learning algorithm called Thompson sampling algorithm. The mathematical theoretical basis of this algorithm is Bayesian inference. Let's talk about the basic principle of this algorithm first, also taking t ...

Added by drunknbass on Mon, 07 Mar 2022 06:13:19 +0200

qt learning notes

Video link Qt common tools assistant: api manual qmake: qt builder designer: graphical interface design uic: convert the interface designed by designer into C + + or py file rcc: resource compiler moc: meta object compiler qtcreator: integrated development environment Making the first GUI prog ...

Added by andym01480 on Mon, 07 Mar 2022 03:36:36 +0200

Python machine learning example -- price prediction using neural network

This article mainly records the process of using machine learning to solve the problems I encounter. catalogue 1, Problem description 2, Data processing 2.1 treatment of missing values 2.2 abnormal value handling 2.3 characteristic Engineering 3, Dimensionality reduction 4, Model establishment 5, Model training 1, Problem description ...

Added by kulikedat on Sun, 06 Mar 2022 12:43:03 +0200

ES6 new technology promise

promise is a new method proposed by ES6 to solve asynchronous programming problems. 1. Synchronous and asynchronous 1) Synchronization task: Task 2 cannot be executed until task 1 is executed. Synchronization tasks are directly placed in the main thread. 2) Asynchronous task: asynchronous tasks are placed in the event queue. Asynchronous task ...

Added by jomofee on Sun, 06 Mar 2022 11:12:20 +0200

Data dimensionality reduction: principal component analysis (PCA)

Holding fireworks to make a living, poetic to seek love catalogue 1. Principle introduction 2. Detailed steps 2.1 data acquisition 2.2 data center (Standardization) 2.3 finding covariance matrix 2.4 calculate eigenvalues and eigenvectors of covariance matrix 2.5 determining the number of principal components 2.6 calculation of princi ...

Added by TheUnknown on Sun, 06 Mar 2022 08:15:28 +0200

How to rent AutoDL graphics card running project

How to rent AutoDL graphics card running project Use steps 1. Rent new instance reference AutoDL-GPU rental platform tutorial,AutoDL quick start 2. Install the personal version of XShell 7 + xftp7. Be careful to download XShell first and then xftp, otherwise - 1603 fatal error will be reported during xftp download. reference resources ...

Added by darthmahon on Sun, 06 Mar 2022 07:16:00 +0200

Machine learning DeepDearm model

preface    convolutional neural network has made a breakthrough, and the effect is also very ideal. However, the learning process of convolutional neural network is difficult to explain theoretically, so it has been criticized by many people. Therefore, it is very important to visualize its learning process, and so is the purpose ...

Added by chipmunken on Sat, 05 Mar 2022 10:38:21 +0200

Point cloud 3D target detection learning: pointnet + + source code

pointnet + + source code learning Pointnet + + contains the pointnet source code, so just look at pointnet + + Overall process Look at the source code in the form of debug, analyze the change process of power data in the network, and how to extract features Take batch size = 2 as an example Input data: 2, 1024, 3 ->channel_first 2, 3, 10 ...

Added by Dark_AngeL on Sat, 05 Mar 2022 09:56:43 +0200