In the PyCharm, the function encapsulates the code and calls it in JupyterNoteBook - take the KNN algorithm as an example (K nearest neighbor algorithm).

1. Main content of the article This blog is devoted to explaining the skills to encapsulate code in PyCharm and invoke it in JupyterNoteBook. Through the learning of this blog, taking KNN algorithm as an example, it is intended to grasp the skills of functional code in plain language. It takes about 5 minutes to read this blog. Note: the c ...

Added by adeelahmad on Sun, 20 Feb 2022 19:51:00 +0200

YOLOv5 usage notes

Friendly participation: @Cotton cotton YOLO is a target detection method, which is characterized by fast detection and high accuracy. The author regards the target detection task as a regression problem of target region prediction and category prediction. This method uses a single neural network to directly predict the boundary and cate ...

Added by petrb on Sun, 20 Feb 2022 18:11:05 +0200

Mixed density network (MDN) multiple regression detailed explanation and code example

In this article, first briefly explain what the mixed density network (MDN) is, then build the MDN model using Python code, and finally use the built model for multiple regression and test the effect.regression"Regression prediction modeling is to approximate the mapping function (f) from input variable (X) to continuous output variable (y ...

Added by indian98476 on Sun, 20 Feb 2022 08:18:23 +0200

k-nearest neighbor method -- python code implementation and kd tree construction search

Algorithm Introduction k-nearest neighbor method belongs to supervised learning and does not need training model (lazy learning). Algorithm flow: for the test samples, find k training samples from the given training set according to some distance measurement (Minkowski distance, Euclidean distance, Manhattan distance, Chebyshev distance, e ...

Added by R4000 on Sun, 20 Feb 2022 06:39:08 +0200

Datawhale zero foundation entry data mining Task5 model fusion

Datawhale zero foundation entry data mining Task5 model fusion 5, Model fusion Game Title: Zero basic entry data mining - used car transaction price prediction 5.1 model fusion objectives Model fusion is carried out for the models completed by multiple parameters adjustment.Complete the fusion of multiple models. 5.2 content introduction ...

Added by pbs on Sat, 19 Feb 2022 19:23:15 +0200

Summary of methods for deleting outliers

Premise: import pandas as pd import numpy as np import os import seaborn as sns from pyod.models.mad import MAD from pyod.models.knn import KNN from pyod.models.lof import LOF import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn.ensemble import IsolationForest 1.IQR python deletes outliers based on IQR: df = pd.read_excel('./7.xlsx') def fit_mod ...

Added by AndyB on Sat, 19 Feb 2022 12:54:19 +0200

Classification of film reviews using naive Bayes

Classification of film reviews using naive Bayes 1. Data set explanation: The data set is a subset of IMDB movie data set, which has been divided into test set and training set. The training set includes 25000 movie reviews, and there are 25000 test sets. The data set has been preprocessed to convert the specific word sequence of each rev ...

Added by thestars on Sat, 19 Feb 2022 08:24:35 +0200

Data analysis practical project based on Lending Club [beginner record] [2]

This practical project is based on the dataset of Lending Club [dataset address: ] This practical project is based on Colab environment brief introduction This practical project of data analysis is divided into two parts. The first part mainly introduces the Baseline method based on Lig ...

Added by Black Rider on Sat, 19 Feb 2022 03:02:42 +0200

Image features - Part 2

Image features Similar to text features, image features are also a kind of data that is very difficult to mine by gradient lifting tree model. At present, image related problems, such as image classification and image segmentation, are almost neural network-based models. However, in some multimodal problems, such as commodity search recommen ...

Added by wenxi on Fri, 18 Feb 2022 20:37:57 +0200

Using out of pocket prediction (oof) to evaluate the generalization performance of the model and build an integrated model

Machine learning algorithms usually use cross validation techniques such as kFold to improve the accuracy of the model. In the process of cross validation, the prediction is carried out through the split test set that is not used for model training. These predictions are called out of fold predictions. External prediction plays an important rol ...

Added by gOloVasTicK on Fri, 18 Feb 2022 10:22:40 +0200