Initialize CentOS7 operating system components and software
With the large-scale application of cloud server, the migration of traditional computer room environment to cloud environment has become a general trend. The cabinet installation, strong and weak current wiring installation, cable power selection, network cable optical fiber selection and connection of traditional computer room ...
Added by bouncer on Wed, 12 Jan 2022 06:37:36 +0200
[Cron expression] you don't have to worry about automatically executing tasks regularly and setting the time
May you be like sunshine, bright and not sad.
1. Cron expression
Kelon The unit of time, a krone, is one million years. Cron expression is a string separated by 5 or 6 spaces and divided into 6 or 7 fields. Each field represents a meaning. Cron expression has the following two syntax formats:
Seconds Minutes Hours DayofMonth ...
Added by madcat on Wed, 12 Jan 2022 04:00:28 +0200
Principle and configuration of DHCP
DHCP belongs to application layer protocol port 67 server 68 client UDP
How DHCP works
Understanding DHCP services
DHCP(Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)Designed and developed by lnternet task forceA protocol designed to automatically assign TCP/IP parameters to computers in a TCP/IP network
Benefits of using DHCP
Reduce administrat ...
Added by phpcoding2 on Tue, 11 Jan 2022 18:48:24 +0200
Memory forensics replication
Memory Forensics
Forensics file suffix raw,. vmem,. imgCommon commands (imageinfo, pslist, dumpfiles, memdump)Suspicious process (notepad, cmd)Combined with disk ForensicsUnderstand some operating system principlesCommon file suffixes dmg, img
Volatile basic commands
You can use the - h parameter to get the usage method and plug-in introduct ...
Added by mash on Tue, 11 Jan 2022 16:47:11 +0200
Getting to know Nginx services
Nginx services
Nginx is a high-performance, lightweight Web service software, which has the advantages of high stability, low system resource consumption and high processing capacity for HTTP concurrent connections (a single physical server can support 30000 ~ 50000 concurrent requests)
Advantages of Nginx over Apache:
Lightweight, also ...
Added by plinares on Tue, 11 Jan 2022 14:44:33 +0200
Operations and Maintenance Operations--Life Cycle in kubernetesk8s Cluster
1. What is the Pod life cycle
A Pod can contain multiple containers, and a Pod can have one or more Init containers that start before the application container. Init containers are not very different from regular containers, mainly because init runs first, and the main container will not start until the init runs successfully, so the Init ...
Added by coreyphp on Mon, 10 Jan 2022 19:06:35 +0200
Introduction to Kubernetes and cluster deployment
1, Introduction to Kubernetes
First, it is a new leading solution of distributed architecture based on container technology. Kubernetes(k8s) is Google's open source container cluster management system (Google internal: Borg). With the rapid development of Docker as an advanced container engine, container technology has been applied in Goog ...
Added by EXiT on Mon, 10 Jan 2022 16:14:58 +0200
Docker data volume -- two types of volume and comfort volume plug-ins provided by docker
Docker data volume – two types of volume and comfort volume plug-ins provided by docker
1, Foreword
Why use data volumes: docker hierarchical file system 1. Poor performance 2. The lifecycle is the same as the container docker data volume 1. mount to the host, bypassing the hierarchical file system 2. The performance is the same ...
Added by tmk4php on Mon, 10 Jan 2022 15:58:16 +0200
First acquaintance with docker (the advantages are really huge, which is much easier to use than virtual machines)
In terms of linux, the linux operating system will have a main process with pid=1 and derive other processes to control different services For example: PID = 2 -- > Python PID = 3 – > java pid4 – > PHP, the three services may affect each other Users expect to run these three different services in different ...
Added by Static_Nexus on Mon, 10 Jan 2022 13:55:29 +0200
DNS server setup
Role of DNS Service
The function of converting domain names to IP addresses
DNS concept
DNS is a distributed database. The naming system adopts a hierarchical logical structure, just like an inverted tree. This logical tree structure is called domain name space. Since DNS divides the domain name space, organizations can use their own domain ...
Added by theflea912 on Mon, 10 Jan 2022 07:19:27 +0200