The depth of compiler learning starts from zero

0x0. preface The previous articles in this series have a superficial understanding of the components of MLIR. This article will not continue to talk about the architecture of MLIR. But from a practical point of view, let's take readers to see what MLIR has helped me do. Here we still take OneFlow Dialect as an example. stay Interpretation of ...

Added by nicandre on Thu, 10 Mar 2022 17:35:51 +0200

13 practical features you must know about PyTorch

1. DatasetFolder When learning PyTorch, one of the first things people need to do is to implement some kind of Dataset. This is a low-level mistake. There is no need to waste time writing such things. Typically, a Dataset is either a data list (or a numpy array) or a file on disk. Therefore, organizing data on disk is better than writing a cus ...

Added by fitzbean on Thu, 10 Mar 2022 15:33:35 +0200

How to understand the residual network (resnet) structure and code implementation (pytoch) note sharing

In the network of deep learning, I think the most basic is the residual network. What I share today is not the theoretical part of the residual network. Just remember that the idea of the residual network runs through many network structures behind. If you understand the residual network structure, then some advanced network structures behind a ...

Added by cpharry on Thu, 10 Mar 2022 02:06:36 +0200

Prevent overfitting

Get more training data (data enhancement) Data enhancement using geometric transformations Geometric transformations such as flip, crop, rotation and translation are some commonly used data enhancement techniques. GAN based data enhancement Reduce network capacity The simplest way to prevent overfitting is to reduce the size of the mod ...

Added by naveendk.55 on Tue, 08 Mar 2022 11:52:36 +0200

Machine translation model three Attention mechanism__ Pytoch implementation

1. Introduction of attention mechanism In the seq2seq model in the previous section, in order to enable the decoder and the linear classification layer to directly obtain more information during decoding, we provide the original context vector to each decoder and the original context vector and word embedding to each linear layer, as shown bel ...

Added by zilem on Tue, 08 Mar 2022 00:42:32 +0200

[pytoch framework] 4.2.1 visualization in PyTorch using Visdom

import torch import math import numpy as np from visdom import Visdom import time torch.__version__ '1.0.0' 4.2.1 visualization in PyTorch using Visdom Visdom is a visualization tool for PyTorch released by Facebook in 2017. Official website , because of its simple function, Visdom is generally defined as server-side matplot, that is, ...

Added by DF7 on Mon, 07 Mar 2022 16:30:43 +0200

[pytoch framework] 4.2.2 visualization in PyTorch using Tensorboard

import torch import numpy as np import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F from PIL import Image from torchvision import transforms from torchvision import models,datasets torch.__version__ '1.3.0' 4.2.2 visualization in PyTorch using Tensorboard Introduction to Tensorboard Tensorboard is a built-in visualization tool of te ...

Added by watson100 on Mon, 07 Mar 2022 16:21:45 +0200

Deep learning notes -- pytorch data processing toolbox

Introduction to torchvision There are four functional modules in torchvision: model, datasets, transforms and utils. Using datasets, you can download some classic datasets. Here we will focus on how to use the ImageFolder of datasets to process custom datasets, and how to use transforms to preprocess and enhance source data. transforms transfo ...

Added by blue-genie on Mon, 07 Mar 2022 13:34:28 +0200

maskRcnn environment configuration (anaconda) (win10) and successful operation of mask_ Demo of rcnn-2.1 ipynb

1, maskRcnn environment configuration (win10) Let's first look at the configuration I successfully run: python3.6.13 tensorflow-gpu 1.5.0 scipy1.2.1 Keras2.2.0 cuda9.0 cudnn7.0 I The default Anaconda is installed MaskRCNN——01. Environment configuration (based on Anaconda) II Download the MaskRCNN source code and check the envir ...

Added by Gimpy on Sun, 06 Mar 2022 03:41:39 +0200

Machine learning DeepDearm model

preface    convolutional neural network has made a breakthrough, and the effect is also very ideal. However, the learning process of convolutional neural network is difficult to explain theoretically, so it has been criticized by many people. Therefore, it is very important to visualize its learning process, and so is the purpose ...

Added by chipmunken on Sat, 05 Mar 2022 10:38:21 +0200