Send by Python email, novice must learn

You may have found this tutorial because you want to send email using Python. Maybe you want to write a code to receive email reminders, send a confirmation email to users when they create an account, or send an email to organization members to remind them to pay their dues. Sending mail is a time-consuming and error prone task, but it can be ...

Added by amwd07 on Sun, 26 Apr 2020 10:14:56 +0300

NettyConfiguration of spring cloud gateway

This paper mainly studies the NettyConfiguration of spring cloud gateway NettyConfiguration @Configuration @ConditionalOnProperty(name = "", matchIfMissing = true) @EnableConfigurationProperties @AutoConfigureBefore(HttpHandlerAutoConfiguration.class) @AutoConfigureAfter({GatewayLoadBalancerC ...

Added by BZorch on Mon, 20 Apr 2020 18:20:59 +0300

Write a WeChat Applet Development

Previously I saw a blog park on the web News Service Open Interface Because of the habit of watching IT news on the blog site, the idea of developing a WeChat applet using the open API came into being in order to browse the news concisely and conveniently anytime, anywhere. 1. mpvue Usually the technology stack has Vue, this applet function ...

Added by preet_harman83 on Fri, 17 Apr 2020 19:51:21 +0300

Asterisk (*) for beginners of Python 90% of people don't understand

  Compared with other programming languages, Python has more diversified operation types. In particular, the asterisk (*), which is a widely used operator in Python, is not only used in the multiplication of two numbers. In this article, we will discuss the various uses of asterisks. The application scenarios of four kinds of asterisks are su ...

Added by hours12 on Mon, 13 Apr 2020 13:06:12 +0300

thinkphp realizes mailbox activation when users register

When some websites register, they will send email to the user's mailbox. Click the link in the email to activate the account. The basic principle is to save the user's information into the database at the time of registration (i.e. Click to send email). In addition, there is an activated field (default is not activated) that clicks the link in ...

Added by guyfromfl on Wed, 08 Apr 2020 07:46:04 +0300

EMQ2.3 enable wss, map and remove port number

mqtt protocol has been used to control intelligent devices on WeChat official account, but the new requirement is to run on small programs. Applet requirements: 1. HTTPS is required for the interface, SSL1.2 or above, 2. ws needs to be modified to WSS, which cannot be followed by port number. It took some time to solve and ...

Added by JoeBuntu on Sun, 05 Apr 2020 14:08:13 +0300

Configure HTTPS certificate logging

Configure HTTPS certificate records for the official website, the first time Of course, it should be recorded. This is the new official website themis official website Don't talk too much. Get to the point 1) detours After checking the configured nginx root certificate and secret key, https can be accessed normally ├── C ...

Added by turdferguson on Wed, 01 Apr 2020 17:01:47 +0300

Filebeat Quick Start

Notes are organized in Only for personal learning summary.Filebeat is a lightweight log collection tool that is often used in conjunction with ELK as a data collection source. filebeat Usage Diagram Install Deployment Centos7 (used by authors) Bec ...

Added by flyersman on Sun, 29 Mar 2020 22:21:44 +0300

Nginx Common Classic Configuration | Reverse Proxy, HTTPS Redirection, Port Forwarding

Secondary directory mapping At present, there are more scenarios for front-end and back-end project separation, usually one port for front-end and one port for back-end. If the front end is, the interface called is Such a deployment can be cumbersome for small projects, but you can also ...

Added by Akenatehm on Sun, 15 Mar 2020 19:49:40 +0200

Remember to deploy and publish the Spring Boot project once, and configure SSL to support both HTTP and HTTPS

Because the company bought a new server, it needs to deploy the project to the new server and support HTTPS. After online search, it is finally completed, and now it is recorded. Configure HTTP 1. Generate certificate Use the keytool.exe provided with the jdk to generate the certificate (because ...

Added by dr.maju on Thu, 27 Feb 2020 10:41:31 +0200