MySQL Shell: 02 deploy InnoDB ReplicaSet

The following article is from universal repair laboratory, Mr. Gong In January 2020, in addition to the coronavirus whose source information is like a mystery story, MySQL officially released a new version of 8.0.19, and the biggest highlight is the ReplicaSet function. InnoDBReplicaSet consists of a primary database and multiple secondary da ...

Added by rosieraz on Tue, 18 Feb 2020 09:52:20 +0200

k8s deployment -- master node component deployment

Introduction to Kube API server components Kube API server is the data bus and data center of the whole system, which provides the addition, deletion, modification and query of k8s resource objects (pod,RC,Service, etc.) and HTTP Rest interfaces such as watch. Functions of Kube API server Provides REST API interface for cluster management ( ...

Added by morganchia on Mon, 10 Feb 2020 13:33:49 +0200

k8s deployment -- node component deployment

Introduction to kubelet components kubernetes is a distributed cluster management system. Every node needs to run a worker to manage the life cycle of the container. The worker program is kubelet The main function of kubelet is to obtain the desired state of pod/container on a node (what container to run, the number of copies to run, how to c ...

Added by gioahmad on Mon, 10 Feb 2020 10:19:01 +0200

Build the basic https and wss environment of wechat applet 1. Preparations Domain name one Free certificate (recommended: Tencent cloud, Alibaba cloud and cheap ssl are free configurations, and then download the certificate first) One Centos server nginx 1.10.2 1 2 3 4 5 2. Install nginx Installation tutorial ht ...

Added by jofield on Fri, 31 Jan 2020 14:45:08 +0200

Jira's ultimate application: Http upgrade to Https

Demand background: Due to the increasingly strict supervision and control of network security, chrome and other browsers are forced to require https, which seems to be the general trend, so we meet the demand of upgrading the service http to https protocol. The external service of our enterprise has ...

Added by sigmadog on Tue, 21 Jan 2020 12:30:05 +0200

Qt package Baidu face recognition + image recognition

In recent years, the development of AI technology has been in full swing. The wages and salaries are also rising, and the application prospects are also very broad. The face recognition that caught fire last year has blossomed all over the country this year. Before that, the face recognition interface of face + + was encapsulat ...

Added by ludachris on Sat, 04 Jan 2020 21:25:58 +0200

Building a private warehouse with docker container

1, About registry 2, Set up a registry 1. Download the registry image 2. Start the container 3. Solve the problem of push ssl 4. Upload image 5. View all image information in the Registry 1, About registry The official Dockerhub is a good place to manage the public image. We can find the image we want on it or pu ...

Added by RaheimSG on Tue, 31 Dec 2019 23:37:10 +0200

Kubernetes deployment: Flannel network deployment

Flannel needs to be deployed in all the master and node s1. Generate certificate for Flannel [root@node-01 ssl]# vim flanneld-csr.json { "CN": "flanneld", "hosts": [], "key": { "algo": "rsa", "size": 2048 }, "names": [ { "C": "CN", "ST": "BeiJing", "L": "BeiJing", "O": "k8s", "OU": "System" ...

Added by Trek15 on Tue, 10 Dec 2019 09:45:41 +0200

EFK tutorial - ElasticSearch cluster TLS encrypted communication

Implementation of ElasticSearch cluster encrypted communication based on TLS Author: "the wolf with hair bumping", welcome to reprint Catalog Application ▪ ES node information Step 1. Turn off service Step 2. Create CA certificate Step 3. Create CERT certificate Step 4. Create a keystore Step 5. Delete CA certificate Change the elas ...

Added by rcarr on Sun, 08 Dec 2019 19:02:29 +0200

Spring boot2 configures ssl to realize automatic transfer from HTTP access to HTTPS access

1. Generate a certificate. You can use self signed certificate or obtain it from SSL certificate authority center In JDK, keytool is a certificate management tool, which can generate self signed certificates. Here, use the keytool provided by JDK to create certificate tests Open cmd window, enter command keytool -genkey -ali ...

Added by irishjohnny24 on Thu, 05 Dec 2019 06:36:58 +0200