How to create an SSL certificate with Jianmu CI and deploy it to nginx

introduce Hypertext Transfer Protocol HTTP protocol is used to transfer information between Web browser and Web server. HTTP protocol sends content in clear text without providing any way of data encryption. If an attacker intercepts the transmission message between Web browser and Web server, he can directly read the information. In order to ...

Added by cool30 on Wed, 26 Jan 2022 04:18:03 +0200

Bidirectional authentication of Nginx

Bidirectional authentication of Nginx 1, Foreword Reference link OPENSSL encryption DSA,RSA introduction By default, the client trusts the authoritative CA organization, and the operating system has built-in CA certificate. To put it bluntly, the operating system has the public key of CA certificate by default. For example, we can acc ...

Added by stephaneey on Tue, 25 Jan 2022 21:46:02 +0200

caddy configures reverse proxy and ssl certificate request

  Download Caddy caddy official website download address . You can also directly Click here Download the Linux amd 64 version. The latest version is 2.4.6 If you need to apply for a pan domain name certificate, you need to check the plug-in of the corresponding dns provider, such as cloudflare Note: cloudflare ...

Added by TheTechChik on Wed, 12 Jan 2022 10:21:16 +0200

Call libcurl library to obtain face recognition results

1, Compilation and installation of openssl Library Create a new folder under the working directory. Download the openssl library compressed package from the official website and extract it to the folder 1|wget 2|tar -vxf openssl-1.1.1.tar.gz Enter the extracted file directory, namely o ...

Added by ridiculous on Fri, 31 Dec 2021 05:01:17 +0200

Java Web session Technology

1.Cookie object: cookie is a session technology, which is used to save the data in the session to the user's browser, so that the browser and server can better interact with each other; Create Serlet: Create a chapter05 project, create a package you like, and write a Servlet class called lastaccessservlet in the package to obtain Cookie info ...

Added by api on Wed, 10 Nov 2021 17:27:30 +0200

Repair SSL Certificate Problem, how to locate it and the handling strategy of common problems

During the development process, you may often encounter some https certificate related errors when using curl to request or git to clone the remote warehouse. We have sorted out some common errors and the summary of solutions to keep them updated. You are also welcome to provide other better solutions in your comments. Knowledge supplement: wha ...

Added by calumstevens on Sat, 30 Oct 2021 15:12:42 +0300

Linux (programming): 37 -- OpenSSL Library (memory allocation)

1, OpenSSL memory allocation When users use memory, the error they are prone to make is memory leak. When users call memory allocation and release functions, it is more difficult to find memory leaks. OpenSSL provides built-in memory allocation / release functions. If the user calls OpenSSL's memor ...

Added by wafflestomper on Tue, 16 Jun 2020 06:52:37 +0300

K8S Deployment Rancher 2.X Version

Introduction to Rancher Rancher is a container management platform that helps organizations deploy and manage containers quickly and easily in a production environment.Rancher can easily manage Kubernetes in a variety of environments, meet IT needs, and support the DevOps team.Kubernetes has not only become a container organization standard, ...

Added by dkphp2 on Tue, 12 May 2020 07:11:26 +0300

HAProxy https configuration, four-tier load balancing, and access control for load balancing services

In the previous section, we talked about the configuration of haproxy's access control ACL. For a review, please refer to ; Today let's talk about the configuration of haproxy's https, tcp-based four-tier load balancing, and access control. First let's look at the configuration of haproxy's ht ...

Added by amandas on Sun, 03 May 2020 09:12:33 +0300

PHP7.4 a new way to expand FFI

With PHP 7.4, there is an extension that I think is very useful: PHP FFI (Foreign Function interface), which refers to a description in PHP FFI RFC   For PHP, FFI opens a way to write PHP extensions and bindings to C libraries in pure PHP. Yes, FFI provides high-level languages to call each other directly. For PHP, FFI allows us to call various ...

Added by pgudge on Tue, 28 Apr 2020 15:57:51 +0300