System learning TypeScript - basic type

preface The basic types contained in TypeScript can be summarized as follows: Boolean valuenumbercharacter stringarraytupleenumerationArbitrary valueNull valueNull and undefinedNeverObject Today, let's learn more about the meaning and representation of various types. boolean → boolean It has only two values -- true and false. let i ...

Added by stringfield on Thu, 24 Feb 2022 14:25:25 +0200

ESLint source code analysis

The daily development of the front end is inseparable from the support of all kinds of lint, but some people just don't like it. The code writing method is arbitrary and capricious, so we don't force it. In fact, the definition of specifications mainly depends on the habits of open source project authors or the coding habits of the company team ...

Added by hucklebezzer on Thu, 24 Feb 2022 12:09:53 +0200

[Use and Explanation of vue3 Pinia] The New Generation Store Application of vue3

This article is intended to quickly help you get started with the basic and core parts of Pinia. For a complete understanding, see the official website or follow-up articles (rewrite when available), and Pinia can also be used in SSR. Also: This Chinese name can be called pineapple. It originated from the Spanish language PIA and was translated ...

Added by mahendrakalkura on Wed, 23 Feb 2022 19:28:46 +0200

Build antv data visualization large screen from zero (lightweight vite-react-ts)

​ Summary ​ Previously, Ofter detailed how to write visualization screens from scratch using Vue. Today, we'll show you how to write visualization charts using React. Why are we still learning React? Because of its lightweight nature, visualization charts like antv are all in React, although antv has one viser (React/Vue/Angular th ...

Added by brown2005 on Wed, 23 Feb 2022 19:00:59 +0200

vscode voice annotation to enrich information

vscode voice annotation to enrich information (Part 2)prefaceThe last article in this series is mainly about recording audio & audio file storage. At that time, I was in no mood for voice annotation for a week because of a bug in the recording.1, MP3 file storage locationVoice notes usage scenarioUse voice notes for individual items.Multipl ...

Added by isign4jc on Wed, 23 Feb 2022 03:45:56 +0200

`vue3`+`ts`+`setup ` syntax sugar implements an infinitely nested 'tree' component

Today, we use vue3+ts+setup syntax to implement an infinitely nested tree component. Let's take a look at the implementation effect first. The style has not been modified too much. This article is a very basic content. I have just come into contact with vue3 this set. Recently, I have also started to practice and use vue3 to implement some vue ...

Added by azfar siddiqui on Tue, 22 Feb 2022 18:58:31 +0200

Extract picture color - front end scheme

prefaceLast year, I came up with an idea to extract the theme color of the picture, cooperate with the picture to have an immersive visual effect, and produce a harmonious and consistent feeling. It dawdled until this year to start development~ It took a week to realize this function in two ways: client and server. The two methods have their ow ...

Added by josephicon on Mon, 21 Feb 2022 14:52:35 +0200

Vite2+Vue3+TypeScript: Practice of building enterprise level lightweight framework

introductionAs vue3 is accepted by the majority of developers and its own ecology is gradually improved, more students are improving in the engineering direction of vue3. This article just introduces how to better use vue3 and its surrounding plug-ins, and let them be combined into the whole project.In addition, Vue3's support for Typescript sy ...

Added by webaddict on Mon, 21 Feb 2022 14:42:07 +0200

TypeScript learning notes

TypeScript learning notes TypeScript overview and environment Install the toolkit typescript for parsing TSInstall the TS node toolkit to simplify TS executionEntry codeNotes in TS JS original type numberstringbooleanundefinednullobject Object type basic usageFunction writing in object type arrayfunction Definition of function ...

Added by JoeCrane on Mon, 21 Feb 2022 13:22:14 +0200

vscode voice annotation to enrich information

vscode voice annotation to enrich information (Part 1)In this series, I will share the whole process of making my "voice annotation" plug-in, or is that sentence "process" more interesting than "result".Usage displayDownload: voice annotationConfigure + create voice file storage addressRight click to call out 'reco ...

Added by jonathanellis on Sun, 20 Feb 2022 11:47:52 +0200