Configure Caffe deep learning environment for the latest version of Ubuntu 20.04 in 2021

preface This article was written on July 15, 2021. If there is an error in the configuration according to the method in this article, please pay attention to whether it is too far away from the writing time. Make sure your PC graphics card is NVIDIA. This article does not apply to AMD graphics cards and Intel integrated graphics cards. 1, Up ...

Added by Xurion on Wed, 19 Jan 2022 20:22:40 +0200

20210712-python01-23-introduction to linux and virtual machine, basic commands of linux

**Linux: * * safe, stable, free, high occupancy, only one kernel, no drive letter concept Common releases are as follows: Ubuntu (No. 1) Redhat Fedora openSUSE Linux Mint Debian Manjaro Mageia CentOS Arch **Windows Server: * * paid, low occupancyVirtual Machine refers to a complete computer system with complete hardware system functions simulat ...

Added by rockroka on Wed, 19 Jan 2022 04:09:32 +0200

Introduction to ROS - simulation robot II (Xacro+Rviz)

Previous reference Introduction to ROS (V) -- simulation robot I (URDF+Rviz) 1, Introduction 1.Xacro action Xacro is the abbreviation of XML Macros. Xacro is an XML macro language, which is programmable XML. For a robot, we often have multiple similar components, such as the left and right wheels of the car. Directly writing URDF files will ...

Added by bouton on Wed, 19 Jan 2022 01:06:45 +0200

ubuntu16.04 k8s 1.15.2 cluster

1, Overview When building k8s clusters, you need to visit google, download relevant images and install software, which is very troublesome. Alicloud just provides k8s update source, which can be directly used by domestic users. 2, Environment introduction Operating system host name IP address function configuration ubuntu-16.04.5-server-am ...

Added by andrewmay67 on Tue, 18 Jan 2022 04:59:13 +0200

WSL2 uses Docker to run ManageIQ (including Systemctl installation, script configuration agent and Docker port mapping)

WSL2 uses Docker to run ManageIQ (including Systemctl installation, script configuration agent and Docker port mapping) Use the image provided by the ManageIQ project on the Docker Hub to test the ManageIQ running in the Docker container. It solves some problems in using WSL2: starting with systemd, accessing the host windows agent in WSL2, in ...

Added by jarriola on Mon, 17 Jan 2022 13:29:47 +0200

Ubantu chapter I

opening Compatibility between sshd and xhsell rails c Using commands in background terminals echo "KexAlgorithms,ecdh-sha2-nistp256,ecdh-sha2-nistp384,ecdh-sha2-nistp521,diffie-hellman-group14-sha1" >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config Then restart the sshd service or reload the service configuration file system ...

Added by hewzett on Fri, 14 Jan 2022 08:16:49 +0200

Porting 2022 U-Boot for Exynos4412 -- supporting DM9000 network card

This blog post is in The 2022 version of U-Boot-2022.01-rc4 was ported for Exynos4412 Based on 1 , add DM9000AEP network card driver. 1, DM9000 base address setting principle Circuit connection diagram As can be seen from the above, DM9000 has only one address bus. Unlike CS8900, it has complete address bus and data bus. There is only o ...

Added by badgoat on Wed, 12 Jan 2022 22:09:44 +0200

Sorting out the core knowledge points of cmake

Written in the front: mainly refer to the classic pdf tutorial cmake practice. Here, I mainly summarize and add some details encountered in the process of practice The function of cmakelists is to automatically generate makefile s. If there are cmakelists, the compilation process is as follows: This is typical_ Source method, that is, external ...

Added by blen on Tue, 11 Jan 2022 12:18:29 +0200

IV Development record of ubuntu system installation ROS and development environment

The column series is as follows: I Develop documented AHRS, inertial navigation sensor SBG-Ellipse-N sensor configuration and use_ goldqiu's blog - CSDN blog_ SBG sensor data format II Remote use of dispatch IPC and configuration of ubuntu and ROS environment_ goldqiu's blog - CSDN blog III The configuration, environment, installation and ba ...

Added by PHPnewby! on Tue, 11 Jan 2022 07:06:27 +0200

ORB-SLAM3 installation and operation

ORB-SLAM3 installation and operation Operating environment: Ubuntu 18 04 Installation dependency Download ORB-SLAM3 source code git clone ORB_SLAM3 Pangolin installation git clone According to the instructions on github, install the dependencie ...

Added by fatalcure on Wed, 05 Jan 2022 18:39:07 +0200