Surface finishing plan - the third bullet

& & other algorithms 1, Algorithm Given an array of prices, its ith element price [i] represents the price of a given stock on day I. You can only choose to buy this stock one day and sell it on a different day in the future. Design an algorithm to calculate the maximum profit you can make. Return the maximum profit you can make ...

Added by srhino on Wed, 09 Mar 2022 09:29:10 +0200

Focal Loss upgrade | E-Focal Loss makes Focal Loss dynamic, and the extreme imbalance of categories can be easily solved

Despite the recent success of long tail target detection, almost all long tail target detectors are developed based on the two-stage paradigm. In practice, one-stage detectors are more common in the industry because they have a simple and fast Pipeline and are easy to deploy. However, in the case of long tail, this work has not been explore ...

Added by fabby on Wed, 09 Mar 2022 04:11:09 +0200

XCiT repeats the champion code - the accuracy exceeds the official_ Copy 1

Reprinted from AI Studio Project link XCiT: covariance image Quansi transformation network This is the fifth issue of the oar paper reproduction challenge< XCiT: Cross-Covariance Image Transformers >The champion code of GitHub is ...

Added by jumphopper on Tue, 08 Mar 2022 03:47:55 +0200

[OpenCV4] detailed explanation of Grabcuts image segmentation algorithm

The content shared in this article comes from the book "learning OpenCV 4: Python based algorithm practice", which is as follows: Chapter 1 OpenCV Quick start; Chapter 2 image reading and writing module imgcodecs; Chapter 3 core library module core; Chapter 4 image processing module imgproc(1) (a); Chapter 5 image processing module ...

Added by jasonc310771 on Tue, 08 Mar 2022 02:06:13 +0200

iOS uses Metal to realize filter and dynamic filter

preface Harbeth It is a small part of utilities and extensions on Apple's Metal framework, which is committed to making your Swift GPU code more concise and allowing you to build pipeline prototypes faster. This paper introduces and designs the filter based on GPU, graphics processing and filter making 👒👒👒 Function list 🟣 At present, Met ...

Added by mkr on Mon, 07 Mar 2022 12:16:10 +0200

[AI talent Creation Camp phase II] rock recognition based on PaddleX

Reprinted from AI Studio Project link 1. Project background Considering that I study the interdisciplinary of artificial intelligence and oil and gas, I want to try whether I can start with basic rock recognition and do a small task of rock recognition. The idea of this task comes fro ...

Added by garry27 on Mon, 07 Mar 2022 02:19:58 +0200

ubuntu18.04 installing opencv4 5.5 and opencv contrib4 five point five

Step 1: download the source code package from github And put opencv and opencv contrib in the same directory At the same time, create a new build folder in this directory mkdir build Step 2: install dependency #Installation tools sudo apt-get install cmake cmake-qt-gui git unzip #Installation dependency sudo apt-get install build-esse ...

Added by ianwest on Sun, 06 Mar 2022 15:44:29 +0200

How to rent AutoDL graphics card running project

How to rent AutoDL graphics card running project Use steps 1. Rent new instance reference AutoDL-GPU rental platform tutorial,AutoDL quick start 2. Install the personal version of XShell 7 + xftp7. Be careful to download XShell first and then xftp, otherwise - 1603 fatal error will be reported during xftp download. reference resources ...

Added by darthmahon on Sun, 06 Mar 2022 07:16:00 +0200

Handwritten VIO Chapter II IMU sensor from scratch

Chapter II IMU sensor Course Code: Reference blog: Homework 2 of handwriting VIO from scratch of dark blue College Using imu_utils tool generates the Allan variance calibration curve of IMU Error an ...

Added by jogisarge on Sat, 05 Mar 2022 04:54:40 +0200

[learning OpenCV4] detailed explanation of watershed algorithm

The content shared in this article comes from the book "learning OpenCV 4: Python based algorithm practice", which is as follows: Chapter 1 OpenCV Quick start; Chapter 2 image reading and writing module imgcodecs; Chapter 3 core library module core; Chapter 4 image processing module imgproc(1) (a); Chapter 5 image processing module ...

Added by coverman on Fri, 04 Mar 2022 14:45:12 +0200