Once you see it, you will have a nanny level tutorial and build a personal blog in 10 minutes

If you are Xiaobai, this set of information can help you become a big bull. If you have rich development experience, this set of information can help you break through the bottleneck 2022web full set of video tutorial front-end architecture H5 vue node applet Video + data + code + interview questions. preface I believe many people want to h ...

Added by johnb352 on Sun, 20 Feb 2022 21:31:40 +0200

The strongest project case of Python crawler - JS reverse. This wave of learning is making money.

If you are Xiaobai, this set of information can help you become a big bull. If you have rich development experience, this set of information can help you break through the bottleneck 2022web full set of video tutorial front-end architecture H5 vue node applet Video + data + code + interview questions. preface Some time ago, I saw someone js ...

Added by nafarius1357 on Sun, 20 Feb 2022 20:51:09 +0200

Some new css3 features you must know

πŸ“‹ Personal profile πŸ’– About the author: Hello, I'm Daniel πŸ˜œπŸ“ Personal homepage: Hall owner a NiuπŸ”₯πŸŽ‰ Support me: like πŸ‘+ Collection ⭐ Email + message πŸ“πŸ“£ Series column: cssπŸπŸ’¬ Maxim: so far, all life is written with failure, but it doesn't prevent me from moving forward! πŸ”₯ Previous portal: πŸ‘‰Selectors in css πŸ‘‰css box mode ...

Added by phil88 on Sun, 20 Feb 2022 18:27:02 +0200

Use of Mybatis-plus's latest code generator (3.5.1+)

If you are Xiao Bai, this data set can help you become a bull. If you have rich development experience, this data set can help you break through the bottleneck. 2022 Web Full Video Tutorial Front End Architecture H5 vue node Applet Video+Materials+Code+Interview Questions. 1. Introduce dependencies: <!--mybatisPlus--> <dependency&g ...

Added by Poomerio on Sun, 20 Feb 2022 09:54:38 +0200

HTML learning -- advanced text formatting

Learning objectives: Today, we will learn more about the semantics of tags, know when and what tags they should use, and make the web page more readable, rather than a pile of meaningless tags. And on the basis of this study, carry out practical practice and complete an online blog article. Learning content: Semantization is the structure ...

Added by starrieyed on Sun, 20 Feb 2022 02:40:01 +0200

[5 minutes to teach you] three kinds of verification code functions - Digital SMS verification code - Graphic verification code - sliding verification code

[5 minutes to teach you] three kinds of verification code functions - Digital SMS verification code - Graphic verification code - sliding verification code Absrtact: we are doing some login verification of the background system. It is inevitable to use the verification code function to assist in verification and improve security. In our dai ...

Added by delphipgmr on Sun, 20 Feb 2022 01:55:20 +0200

Element plus component library quick start tutorial

If you are Xiaobai, this set of information can help you become a big bull. If you have rich development experience, this set of information can help you break through the bottleneck 2022web full set of video tutorial front-end architecture H5 vue node applet Video + data + code + interview questions. preface Generally, when we develop sing ...

Added by neller on Sun, 20 Feb 2022 00:59:50 +0200

Vue.js front-end framework: custom instructions

1. Why define custom directives After studying the Vue front-end framework, we also know many built-in instructions, such as v-for instruction, v-if instruction, v-bind instruction, v-model instruction and so on. However, because these built-in instructions tend to be instrumental, and sometimes it is necessary to implement specific business l ...

Added by dr.maju on Sat, 19 Feb 2022 15:19:47 +0200

html+css+js to achieve the countdown effect

If you are Xiaobai, this set of information can help you become a big bull. If you have rich development experience, this set of information can help you break through the bottleneck 2022web full set of video tutorial front-end architecture H5 vue node applet Video + data + code + interview questions. catalogue Write in frontGeneral effectC ...

Added by windjohn on Sat, 19 Feb 2022 11:15:39 +0200

Let you know about the smart home open source project: the preliminary configuration of the plug-in of zhiting home cloud and Home Assistant

brief introductionIn our daily use, some smart devices support access to HomeKit, that is, users can access and control the device through the "home" of Apple mobile phone. However, this operation has obvious limitations. Android phones cannot be used and cannot be linked with devices that do not support access to HomeKit. For example ...

Added by MFHJoe on Sat, 19 Feb 2022 11:12:11 +0200