Opencv Python learning notes -- Fourier transform of image processing

Catalogue of series articles FFT Use OpenCV to Fourier transform the image, use the FFT function available in Numpy, and some applications of Fourier transform Correlation function: cv.dft(), cv.idft() etc. 1. Theory Fourier transform is used to analyze the frequency characteristics of various filters. For the image, two-dimensional di ...

Added by gtal3x on Fri, 21 Jan 2022 08:34:04 +0200

Use OpenCV to extract the rectangular area in the image (PPT screen, etc.)

** preface ** Recently, I participated in the Dachuang project. The topic involves computer vision. My sister sent a blog link to correct the image, so I plan to use this topic to get started with OpenCV. Analyze problems The PPT area in the photo is always inclined along the X, y and Z axes (as shown in the figure below). To flip the photo ...

Added by salmon on Thu, 20 Jan 2022 20:24:18 +0200

R329-opencv4_contrib - wechat QR code

R329-opencv4_contrib-wechat_qrcode The CV team of wechat has opened the wechat QR code scanning engine and has joined opencv4_contrib module, let's try it today. Install opencv_contrib In the previous tutorial, we only installed the python version of OpenCV (in fact, it can be used without installation, because the C + + version and python v ...

Added by HiddenS3crets on Thu, 20 Jan 2022 02:08:39 +0200

[learn OpenCV4] geometric drawing method

   before starting the text, first know that the (0, 0) coordinate point in the screen is in the upper left corner and the maximum coordinate is in the lower right corner. 1, Drawing of basic graphics 1. Rectangle    the function of drawing rectangle in OpenCV is rectangle(). void rectangle(InputOutputArray img, Rect ...

Added by JasonMWaldo on Thu, 20 Jan 2022 01:29:03 +0200

OpenCV Development -- migrating official examples to projects

I. overview Detectionbasedtracker provided by the official example Detectionbasedtracker under Java and JNI_ jni. CPP interactionWhen the project is migrated, the package name changes. If the content under JNI is copied to the new package, detectionbasedtracker Java cannot find detectionbasedtracker under JNI_ jni. Cpp fileRewrite the file und ...

Added by kevinjo on Wed, 19 Jan 2022 05:11:27 +0200

Opencv -- image processing

Grayscale image output: import cv2 #The format read by opencv is BGR import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt#Matplotlib is RGB %matplotlib inline img=cv2.imread('miku.png') img_gray = cv2.cvtColor(img,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) img_gray.shape cv2.imshow("img_gray", img_gray) cv2.waitKey(0) cv2.destroyAllWindows() Picture output: ...

Added by ssjskipp on Wed, 19 Jan 2022 03:14:04 +0200

QT from entry to soil -- file reading and writing operation

introduction File reading and writing is a function of many applications, and even some applications are developed around the processing of files in a certain format, so file reading and writing is a basic function of application development. Qt provides two basic methods for reading and writing plain text files: Use the IODevice read-write f ...

Added by Sirus121 on Sun, 16 Jan 2022 00:57:43 +0200

QT from entry to soil - mouse event

introduction Personally, the event mechanism is the most difficult and subtle part of Qt. There are two main types of events: Occurs when interacting with a user. For example, press the mouse (mousepress event) and hit the keyboard (keyPressEvent).The system automatically occurs, such as timer event, etc. When an event occurs (for example, pr ...

Added by mtwildcard on Sun, 16 Jan 2022 00:32:32 +0200

OpenCV parallel computing function parallel_for_ Use of

Excerpt: OpenCV parallel acceleration_ for_ ParallelLoopBody tutorialopencv parallel computing function parallel_for_ Use ofOfficial website: Parallel ProcessingGao Xiang, Zhang Tao, 14 lectures on visual SLAM In the process of using OpenCV, the amount of processing and calculation of pictures is still large, so how to calculate efficient ...

Added by hyster on Sat, 15 Jan 2022 12:06:08 +0200

Super detailed coding practice allows your springboot application to identify pedestrians, cars, dogs and meow stars in the picture (JavaCV+YOLO4)

Welcome to my GitHub Content: classification and summary of all original articles and supporting source code, involving Java, Docker, Kubernetes, DevOPS, etc; Overview of this article stay Three minutes: fast experience JAVA version of target detection (YOLO4) In this article, we experienced the power ...

Added by ded on Fri, 14 Jan 2022 19:33:05 +0200