Opencv Python camera calibration (to be updated)

Write in front Why should machine vision be calibrated with a camera: the direct purpose is to obtain the internal and external parameters of the camera and the distortion parametersSo what are the use of these parameters: through camera calibration, this lens distortion can be corrected and the corrected image can be generated; Another pu ...

Added by mazman on Thu, 13 Jan 2022 22:32:09 +0200

opencv notes -- meanshift&camshift

Mean shift is applied to object track. Its main ideas are as follows: As shown in the figure below, applying mean shift algorithm to the point set can locate the most dense position of the point set, and the most dense position of the point set is the position of the object we need to track. 1) why is the most dense position of the point set th ...

Added by freaka on Tue, 11 Jan 2022 10:43:04 +0200

opencv learning notes (python version)

Recently, in order to complete the license plate recognition, I'm going to learn opencv. Here, I'll record the learning process and notes Image manipulation imread read image Use cv The imread() function reads the image. The image should be in the working directory or the full path of the image should be given. The second parameter is a ...

Added by rvpals on Mon, 10 Jan 2022 04:02:21 +0200

python+OpenCv notes: histogram (gray histogram, mask application, histogram equalization, adaptive histogram equalization)

1, Gray histogram Concept: Image histogram is a histogram representing the brightness distribution in a digital image. It plots the number of pixels of each brightness value in the image. In this histogram, the left side of the abscissa is a darker area and the right side is a brighter area. Therefore, the data in the histogram of a darker i ...

Added by pirri on Sun, 09 Jan 2022 06:40:40 +0200

License plate image recognition system based on Opencv

This is a Demo project of image recognition and training based on spring boot + maven + opencvIt includes functions such as license plate recognition and face recognition, and runs through technical points such as sample processing, model training, image processing, object detection and object recognitionThere are relatively few deep learning ...

Added by Altec on Thu, 06 Jan 2022 14:00:38 +0200

Python White's topic report - OpenCV matting project practice

Python Xiaobai's topic report - actual combat of OpenCV matting project (5) This series is Python Xiaobai's task "image segmentation and matting based on OpenCV". It should be noted that this series is not a matting project tutorial of OpenCV, but a topic report on this topic. It includes a relatively complete PyQt project. From t ...

Added by mattison on Thu, 06 Jan 2022 02:45:46 +0200

[OpenCV-Python]32.OpenCV face detection and recognition -- face detection

32.OpenCV face detection and recognition - face detection preface   face detection refers to the process of locating faces in images. 1, Face detection based on Haar   use the Haar cascade classifier provided by OpenCV for face detection. The folder "\ data\haarcascades" in the OpenCV source code contains the t ...

Added by aksival on Wed, 05 Jan 2022 23:32:25 +0200

Opencv Python image processing installation and basic operation

1, Install opencv For the installation of OpenCV, if you use pycharm under windows system, you can directly use the pip command on the terminal or click the setup Python interpreter to enter opencv python If you are using conda, you can also use the pip command or conda install to install It's easier under linux. It will also reduce many unexp ...

Added by phpmania1 on Wed, 05 Jan 2022 08:24:07 +0200

Introduction to pattern recognition (Experiment 3) digital recognition based on perceptron algorithm

Test requirements: 1. Data set: a) training data set: "experimental image" - training set "contains 10 subdirectories of" 0 "," 1 ",...," 9 ", and each subdirectory contains corresponding digital images. For each number, there are 20 64 × 64 training images. b) test data set: "experimen ...

Added by xionhack on Tue, 04 Jan 2022 22:31:51 +0200

Pixel Operating Performance Comparison of openCV Images

1. Test environment 1, test code (copy Mao's demo directly) //--------------------------------------------------------[Procedure Description]------------------------------------- // Program description: Introduction to OpenCV3 Programming OpenCV2 Book Companion sample program 24 // Program description: An example from an OpenCV2 book from ...

Added by ghornet on Tue, 04 Jan 2022 20:18:01 +0200