Three.js to achieve parabolic dynamic flow effect

Three.js to achieve parabolic dynamic flow effect Old rules, let's first look at the final effect. This effect may be used in the demonstration from the beginning to the end of the aircraft route, the demonstration of missile launch trajectory effect and other scenes. After mastering the idea, the effect is very simple. There are actually two ...

Added by M2tM on Wed, 09 Mar 2022 17:28:05 +0200

Three js DRACOLoader

preface Use front-end three In the process of loading 3d models with JS, the model size is often too large, resulting in too long loading time at the front end and reducing the user experience. What is recorded in this paper is a process of stepping on the DRACOLoader and solving the problem in using gltf pipeline to compress 3d model. The th ...

Added by Mactek on Wed, 09 Mar 2022 04:35:47 +0200

Metaballs analysis and application (2D metaball fusion)

I Metaball definition Metaball technology is a technology developed by Blinn in 1982, which is suitable for building deformable surfaces. This technology uses metaball to establish an energy field, and then establishes a 3D model through the equipotential surface in the scalar domain to represent the software or implicit surface. Simply put, i ...

Added by dancer on Mon, 21 Feb 2022 04:33:36 +0200

Use three in Vue JS create a 3D conference room model

Chapter II This chapter mainly creates 3D models, which are divided into three JS built-in basic model and external import model Basic model The basic solid model is probably the solid shape of the foundation such as cube, cuboid and ball. First, the floor and wall of our conference room are actually the basic cuboid. For this basic solid ...

Added by baffled_in_UK on Sat, 12 Feb 2022 06:54:42 +0200

Three.js to realize the 2022 Winter Olympics Theme 3D interesting page 🐼

backgroundWelcome the Winter Olympics and look forward to the future together! 2022 Winter Olympics will begin soon. This paper uses three JS + react technology stack realizes winter and Olympic elements, and makes a 3D page full of interesting and commemorative Winter Olympic theme. The knowledge Points involved in this paper mainly include To ...

Added by actionsports on Thu, 03 Feb 2022 06:59:48 +0200

Three.js - voice module

13. Voice module 13.1 association between audio and scene (sound source and listener) Threejs provides a series of Audio related API s: Audio audio, position Audio, listener AudioListener, Audio analyzer, Audio loader, AudioLoader. Threejs classes such as Audio, location Audio and PositionalAudio essentially encapsulate the native Web Au ...

Added by andy1398 on Fri, 28 Jan 2022 11:51:05 +0200

1000 powder! Use three JS make an exclusive 3D Medal 🥇

backgroundThe defense is broken 😭! Suddenly, I found that the number of fans of SegmentFault platform has exceeded 1000. It is the first of my three blog platforms nuggets, blog Garden and SegmentFault to exceed 1000. So I designed and developed this page to commemorate it. Thank you very much for your attention 🙏, In the future, I will pay ...

Added by wrathyimp on Thu, 20 Jan 2022 14:13:55 +0200

Three.js to realize the 3D creative page of the Spring Festival in the year of the tiger

backgroundYear of the tiger 🐅 As the Spring Festival is approaching, this article uses react + three JS technology stack to realize interesting 3D creative pages. The knowledge points contained in this article mainly include: the use of two basic materials: ShadowMaterial and MeshPhongMaterial, the use of LoadingManager to display the model l ...

Added by aktome2001 on Tue, 11 Jan 2022 03:23:11 +0200

THREE.js: build Threejs + typescript + webpack project

catalogue 1. Install node js  2. Install vscode and Microsoft front-end development artifact. 3. Create a new project folder, choose a name at will, here we call it, and then open it with vscode  4. vscode opens the project. As shown below, all you need to do is click the terminal to create a new terminal  5. Enter npm init ...

Added by pingu on Wed, 05 Jan 2022 13:35:15 +0200

Graphics rotation and projection matrix-3

Graphics rotation and projection matrix-3 The second operation of game101; Web GL implementation THREEJS is used as the basic framework to build various matrices, customize matrix operations, and finally complete Build model matrix correctly Construct perspective projection matrix correctly See the transformed triangle Triangles can be rota ...

Added by Phairest on Sat, 01 Jan 2022 19:30:15 +0200