Exploratory Data Analysis EDA (Exploratory Data Analysis) analysis with python

Exploratory Data Analysis EDA (Exploratory Data Analysis) analysis with python   show holy respect to python community, for there dedication and wisdom   Dataset related: First, UCL wine dataset: UCI data set is a commonly used standard test data set for machine learning. It is a database for machine learning proposed by the University of ...

Added by iacataca on Thu, 10 Feb 2022 05:31:49 +0200

Deploy APIs IX in K8S (non ingress)

Python wechat ordering applet course video https://edu.csdn.net/course/detail/36074 Python actual combat quantitative transaction financial management system https://edu.csdn.net/course/detail/35475 Deploy APIs IX gateway in K8S without using pvc brief introduction Because the company's project is ready for reconfiguration, now it make ...

Added by deansaddigh on Thu, 10 Feb 2022 04:07:06 +0200

CENTOS installs CDH and Kudu-1

edition: CENTOS7.2CDH5.10Kudu1.2 2.1 general This article centos7 2. The process of operating system deploying CDH Enterprise Edition. The installation of Cloudera enterprise data center is mainly divided into four steps: Cluster server configuration, including installing operating system, closing firewall, synchronizing server clock, etc ...

Added by bdata28 on Thu, 10 Feb 2022 01:07:22 +0200

3. Deep dive Kafka producer - Core Architecture

Deep dive kafka producer - Core Architecture 3. Deep dive KafkaProducer infrastructure kafka has customized a set of network protocols, which can be implemented in any language to achieve the effect of pushing messages to and from kafka clusters. The clients module in the source code of kafka version 2.8.0 is the official default imple ...

Added by cparekh on Wed, 09 Feb 2022 13:36:14 +0200

Object oriented part of java big data development (encapsulation 3)

1. Collection basis 1.1 collection overview Features of set: provide a storage model with variable storage space, and the 1 data capacity can be changed. There are many collection classes. At present, let's learn an ArrayList ArrayList<E> Resizable array implementation<E> Is a special data type, generic How to use? Use the ref ...

Added by brainstem on Wed, 09 Feb 2022 12:33:12 +0200

Database Data Extraction after Decryption of PC-side Wechat Following Wechat dat

Some time ago, I got the decoding of dat pictures in WeChat, and later some students asked how to decode the database.. Of course, after looking at it one after another, plus the messy things in hospital, it has not been handled. After handling it in the last few days, we found that the data format of the WeChat database is really troublesome.. ...

Added by Markx on Wed, 09 Feb 2022 04:17:29 +0200

Java integrates Flink to stream data obtained from Kafka

Last example https://blog.csdn.net/xxkalychen/article/details/117149540?spm=1001.2014.3001.5502 Setting Flink's data source to Socket is just to provide streaming data for testing. This is not generally used in production. The standard model is to obtain streaming data from message queues. Flink provides the encapsulation of connecting with Kaf ...

Added by moty66 on Wed, 09 Feb 2022 02:01:06 +0200

Summary of big data processing knowledge points 1

I Basic knowledge of Request Library methodexplainReturn object.request ()Construction request.get()GET HTML web page, corresponding to HTTP GETThe returned response object contains all the resources of the server.head()Get the page header information, corresponding to HEAD.post()Submit POST request.put()Submit request PUT.patch()Submit lo ...

Added by knowram on Tue, 08 Feb 2022 19:04:28 +0200

Big data journey for beginners of strange upgrade < Hadoop compression >

Xiaobai's big data journey (57) Hadoop compression Last review After introducing zookeeper, the next step is Hadoop's extended knowledge point, compression and ha. Because HA is based on zookeeper, I bring this knowledge point now Hadoop compression Compression overview First of all, we should know that compression is an optimization meth ...

Added by ozzthegod on Tue, 08 Feb 2022 18:04:45 +0200

Playing with Linux Haproxy to build clusters

Objectives: Understand the characteristics of HaproxyEasily use Haproxy to build clusters Content: 1, HAProxy features: Support two proxy modes: TCP (layer 4) and HTTP (layer 7), and support virtual host;It can supplement some shortcomings of Nginx, such as Session retention, Cookie guidance and so onSupport url detection, back-end server ...

Added by phparray on Tue, 08 Feb 2022 11:42:10 +0200