[DS with Python] Introduction to Matplotlib: sub atlas, drawing layout and common statistical graphics

preface    in the previous chapter, we mainly introduced through fig.add_subplot() and fig.add_ The second method can flexibly realize the picture layout of any format. This paper will introduce other layout methods, so that you can get the layout you want faster in the actual drawing process. 1, Drawing layout 1.1 sub Atla ...

Added by dannyd on Wed, 16 Feb 2022 14:43:51 +0200

Distribution map of NBA players' shooting positions

Xiaobai, who wants to switch to data analysis in the Internet industry, has a certain understanding of python through Buddhist Study in winter vacation. Record the first gadget. When I was brushing the cross forum, I suddenly saw a data analysis about the NBA. Because I also like playing very much, I immediately became interested. Because I d ...

Added by sqishy on Tue, 15 Feb 2022 17:18:30 +0200

Matplotlib data visualization related knowledge

Matplotlib data visualization related knowledge 1, Matplotlib Foundation Python extension library Matplotlib relies on extension library numpy and standard library tkinter. It can draw various forms of graphics, such as line chart, scatter chart, pie chart, histogram, radar chart, etc., and the graphics quality can meet the publishing require ...

Added by akrocks_extreme on Sat, 22 Jan 2022 03:25:15 +0200

Data visualization - Matplotlib [task 1]

1, One of the simplest drawing examples The image of Matplotlib is drawn on figure (such as windows, Jupiter form), and each figure contains one or more axes (a sub region that can specify the coordinate system). The easiest way to create figures and axes is through Pyplot Subplots command. After creating axes, you can use axes Plot draws ...

Added by mattfoster on Tue, 11 Jan 2022 18:05:08 +0200

Matplotlib Quick Start Guide for data visualization

Charts are the basis of the data exploration process. They enable us to better understand our data - for example, help identify outliers or data processing to be done, or provide new ideas and ways to build machine learning models. Charting is an important part of any data science report.Python has many visualization libraries for making static ...

Added by jwilh on Tue, 04 Jan 2022 11:13:54 +0200

Draw a cylinder with adjustable posture and position under the 3D coordinate axis

Introduce the following requirements: use matplotlib to draw a cylinder with any position and attitude under a 3D coordinate axis. Analysis: it can be seen that there are two main problems to be solved here, one is to draw the cylinder, and the other is the attitude control of the cylinder. For attitude control, Euler rotation matrix is n ...

Added by johlwiler on Sun, 26 Dec 2021 23:50:50 +0200

Not familiar with Numpy? Let's draw a magic cube and play!

Blind agitation series~ preface NumPy is the basic package of Python scientific computing. It is a python library that provides multidimensional array objects, various derived objects (such as mask arrays and matrices), and various routines for fast operation of arrays, including mathematics, logic, shape operation, sorting, selection, ...

Added by saeed42 on Sat, 18 Dec 2021 13:16:51 +0200

Introduction notes to data analysis

# Download skimage pip install scikit-image -i http://pypi.douban.com/simple/ --trusted-host pypi.douban.com 1, Installation of ipython #Install ipython pip install ipython # Enter the ipython command line ipython 2, Installation and configuration of Jupiter notebook Jupiter notebook is a note taking tool for writing python code and s ...

Added by ZaphodQB on Fri, 15 Oct 2021 01:05:16 +0300

Python Drawing Library Matplotlib

The Matplotlib library is a package used in Python to draw pictures, which can be used to quickly draw the desired image Catalog 1.Installation Configuration 2.quick get start (1) Canvas (2) Subgraph and Subgraph Layout subplot() subplots() (3) Name of coordinate axis and scale Axis name Coordinate axis range (4) Legends and text lab ...

Added by SquirrelJ on Mon, 04 Oct 2021 20:17:05 +0300