R/ggplot2 save the Chinese font of the picture to PDF - showtext package removes all obstacles

Article summary 1. Solve the problem that the Chinese font of the picture saved by R/ggplot2 is lost to PDF. 2. Solve the problem of failed import of Times New Roman and simsun fonts. 3. Be familiar with and master showtext operation. 1. Problem description After drawing with ggplot2, use ggsave to save the picture. The Chinese font is l ...

Added by spasm37 on Fri, 04 Mar 2022 02:57:07 +0200

stm package workflow

preface Sort out the workflow of STM code in the paper (stm: An R Package for Structural Topic Models). Refer to the original paper for the overall structure, but put forward personal ideas on the execution order of some codes. Due to the limited time, there are unsolved errors and problems (such as selecting the appropriate number of topics, ...

Added by noirsith on Fri, 11 Feb 2022 20:36:04 +0200

Shiny tutorial 1 -- Introduction to shiny

Shiny is an R package that makes it easy to build interactive Web applications directly from R. This course will get you started. If the Shiny package has not been installed, open the R session window, ensure the networking status, and then run install.packages("shiny") The Shiny package has 11 built-in examples, each of which demonstrat ...

Added by phamenoth on Wed, 09 Feb 2022 01:50:08 +0200

R language book learning 02 "R language data analysis, mining, modeling and visualization" - Chapter 7 prediction application of linear regression model

catalogue correlation analysis Regression analysis Introduction of linear regression model Solution of regression coefficient Linear regression in R language Significance test Significance test of parameters -- t test stepwise regression Verify various assumptions of the model Multiple linearity test Normality test Use PP chart ...

Added by detalab on Tue, 25 Jan 2022 11:09:58 +0200

8. Unified return R class and unified exception handling in SpringBoot 02

01. Why did you learn to return? In fact, most program development or interface development in enterprises actually return a so-called JSON format. The JSON format is encapsulated by java object-oriented method. When unifying exception handling, we use @ RestControllerAdvice, which is controller post enhanced processing. Post processing with ...

Added by mhewall on Fri, 21 Jan 2022 23:02:35 +0200

Detailed explanation of sparse matrix in R language

Tweet before Detailed explanation of python scipy sparse matrix The principle of common sparse matrix and its application experience in python are introduced in detail. This tweet focuses on R language sparse matrix format and its application in single cell multiomics (scRNA, scATAC). R sparse matrix dgTMatrix That is, Sparse matrices in t ...

Added by ToddAtWSU on Mon, 17 Jan 2022 21:10:58 +0200

Topic 10. Univariate Logistic regression analysis - univariate analysis table

In the previous period, I learned how to summarize the results of univariate Cox regression. In this period, I learned the summary of univariate Logistic regression scores. Because the two functions of coxph * * * * and glm are used, the display of results is different, so the sorting process is slightly different, but the extracted information ...

Added by gergy008 on Mon, 17 Jan 2022 14:34:28 +0200

Introduction to R language

R language Video link: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV19x411X7C6 Data analysis process Data collection - data storage - data analysis - Data Mining - Data Visualization - decision making 1 Rstudio use 1.1 INTRODUCTION TAB supplement Blue: FunctionsData frame: boxPink: built in dataset Alt+Shift+K: Show shortcuts 1.2 Foundation l ...

Added by newbienewbie on Sun, 16 Jan 2022 15:25:37 +0200

Extended tecdat|R language, logistic regression, random forest, SVM support vector machine to predict Framingham heart disease risk and model diagnosis visualization

Original link: http://tecdat.cn/?p=24973  Original source: Tuo end data tribal official account brief introduction The World Health Organization estimates that 12 million people worldwide die of heart disease every year. In the United States and other developed countries, half of the deaths are due to cardiovascular disease. The early ...

Added by Mykasoda on Mon, 10 Jan 2022 12:05:56 +0200

R language - three line table

preface The reason why I want to send this is that I'm angry when I think about it. Last time, because of the change in the number of cases in the database (the change in the inclusion and exclusion criteria of cases), I made statistical analysis for many times, repeatedly modified my third-line table, and was scolded by my boss for fil ...

Added by mrwhale on Sat, 08 Jan 2022 18:59:21 +0200