Isn't it fragrant to draw a map with BaseMap

I. Preface Using basemap to draw a map is simple and convenient. Using basemap needs to be combined with other libraries. The common one is matplotlib; After reading this article, readers will learn to simply use basemap or world map, country map, province and even specific region, etc; If the author's article is good, please praise and pay at ...

Added by Yossarian on Mon, 31 Jan 2022 13:03:26 +0200

Python + Baidu map API + semi positive vector formula = map visualization

Recently, the author learned some common sense related to "driving" and found that if the driver's driver's license expires, he must submit physical examination information before applying for license renewal, which requires the driver to go to a nearby hospital for physical examination. Considering that not all hospitals support dri ...

Added by andreasb on Tue, 25 Jan 2022 20:11:57 +0200

Five common methods for visualization and processing of data outliers in "Python data processing foundation"

Content introduction Abnormal data are often encountered in daily data analysis, that is, data beyond a specific area or range is usually defined as abnormal or "noise", also known as outliers. This paper introduces the visualization and processing routine of data outliers in daily work. Distinguish true and false exceptions J ...

Added by ben2.0 on Wed, 19 Jan 2022 14:40:04 +0200

gojs practical advanced usage

Everybody, happy New Year!Historical articles:Introduction to data visualization gojsHow does gojs realize dotted line (ant line) animation?This article describes the use of gojs Some solutions to the problems you may encounter in the process of drawing.gojs is a very powerful js library for visualizing relationships.1. Cancel updating animatio ...

Added by susannah on Wed, 05 Jan 2022 10:42:15 +0200

Python 3 -- data visualization - visual display of 2021 sports data (with source code)

In the twinkling of an eye, 2021 has passed, and many app s have launched annual summaries. This time, by using the third-party library pyecharts in Python to draw calendar charts and line charts, we can visually display the motion data in 2021. 1, Preparatory work 1. Environment In addition to the necessary Python 3 X environment also ...

Added by riversr54 on Tue, 04 Jan 2022 14:50:58 +0200

I visualized the number of Chinese Olympic Games

preface The 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games has been open for many days. I still remember that when I was a child, I watched the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. The theme song was Beijing welcomes you. At that time, I went to primary school. Almost every game of the Chinese team must be seen. At that time, my blood was boiling. The time has passed by 202 ...

Added by EricS on Tue, 04 Jan 2022 13:51:08 +0200

Matplotlib Quick Start Guide for data visualization

Charts are the basis of the data exploration process. They enable us to better understand our data - for example, help identify outliers or data processing to be done, or provide new ideas and ways to build machine learning models. Charting is an important part of any data science report.Python has many visualization libraries for making static ...

Added by jwilh on Tue, 04 Jan 2022 11:13:54 +0200

Where to eat tangled hot pot, make a data presentation decision with Python visualization (with learning resources)

preface Hello everyone, today I'll tell you about the comprehensive practical exercise of Python - Taking the hot pot loved by the public as an example, how to use our Python language to obtain the number of hot pot stores in different cities across the country and visually display these data? Next, I will take you to realize this operation, ...

Added by techker on Tue, 04 Jan 2022 01:57:50 +0200

Data visualization - ECharts - line chart

introduction: ECharts is a data visualization chart Library Based on JavaScript, which provides intuitive, vivid, interactive and personalized data visualization charts. ECharts was originally opened by Baidu team and donated to Apache foundation in early 2018, becoming an ASF incubation project. The most direct and effective way to learn ECh ...

Added by mjax on Mon, 03 Jan 2022 20:28:29 +0200

Simulation of d3js various forces

Simulation of d3js various forces d3js is a library that can freely combine graphics My understanding is that simple graphics, such as column chart, pie chart and bar chart, can be directly used with eckarts if the requirements are not high. The degree of freedom needs to be higher, d3js needs to be used, and pixi needs to be used frequently ...

Added by gatoruss on Mon, 03 Jan 2022 10:31:42 +0200