[open source] browser bookmark level visualization

Today, we push an extremely practical visualization tutorial to visualize bookmarks collected in our own browser. The thing is, yesterday I was looking for a bookmark in my favorites Because the level is too deep to reach directly, learning to write code is to solve these small problems. My inspiration is, can I visualize the bookmark level ...

Added by fragger on Sun, 02 Jan 2022 21:24:34 +0200

[D3.js learning record] - ice cone chart, sunburst halo chart, data visualization

Ice cone visualization Rectangular ice cone diagram d3.partition() official document Used to generate adjacency graph: a space filling variant of node link tree graph. Unlike using wires to link nodes and parent nodes, in this layout, nodes are drawn as an area (either arc or rectangle), and their position reflects their relative position in ...

Added by AIS4U on Sun, 02 Jan 2022 20:53:41 +0200

The Complete Vue Tutorial - Writing Visual Screens from scratch

Summary (showcase OF OFs) OFPreviously, python was introduced for data visualization, data analysis and some small projects, but the basic knowledge is backend. To make a good visualization screen, we also need to learn some front-end knowledge (vue), there are many more complex online (need to execute a variety OF commands) and incomplete ...

Added by freshclearh2o on Fri, 31 Dec 2021 21:10:53 +0200

Data visualization

Generate data Install matplotlib Input: pip install matplotlib in PyCharm terminalOr visit https://pypi.python.org/pypi/matplotlib/ , and find the wheel file (file with. whl extension) that matches the Python version you are using. Take this Copy the whl file to your project folder, open a command window, switch to the project folder, and the ...

Added by TKKP on Tue, 21 Dec 2021 10:04:22 +0200

R language ggplot2 scientific research drawing subject parameter adjustment

This chapter is the twelfth chapter of ggplot2 scientific research drawing adjustment. Please skip the contents of the first ten chapters: ggplot nanny tutorial - details of scientific research drawing parameter adjustment data set This article uses the air pollution incidence rate and mortality study (NMMAPS). In order to make the chart eas ...

Added by rocksolidhq on Sun, 19 Dec 2021 18:53:56 +0200

Data visualization - ecarts - pie chart

Data visualization - ecarts - pie chart (VI) Baidu Encyclopedia - pie chart Echarts series titleaddressEcharts first experiencePortalEcharts general configurationPortalHistogramPortalLine chartPortalScatter diagramPortalEcharts official websitePortal Basic implementation of pie chart Implementation steps I Build the most basic code structu ...

Added by sandrol76 on Sun, 19 Dec 2021 00:05:36 +0200

[Pandas learning notes 02] - advanced usage of data processing

Author: Huan HaoSource: Hang Seng LIGHT cloud communityPandas is a Python software library, which provides a large number of functions and methods that enable us to process data quickly and easily. This paper will mainly introduce the practical data processing operation of pandas.Series of articles:[Pandas learning notes 01] powerful tool set f ...

Added by piznac on Wed, 01 Dec 2021 07:50:31 +0200

Matplotlib data visualization

Task05 This study refers to Datawhale open source learning: https://github.com/datawhalechina/fantastic-matplotlib The content is generally derived from the original text and adjusted in combination with their own learning ideas. Personal summary: 1. There are four common style methods: predefined style, custom style, rcparams and matplot librc ...

Added by cheshil on Sun, 28 Nov 2021 16:47:58 +0200

Titanic data competition model fusion method with the most praise from kaggle (with code)

I've heard that many bosses acquire knowledge from kaggle and process it into their own competition system In July this year, I started to participate in the big data competition. Now there are almost 10 competitions, all of which are structured competitions. Small competitions can still get into the Top ranking, but larger competitions are ...

Added by Whetto on Sun, 28 Nov 2021 11:22:46 +0200

Feature processing of individual loan default prediction competition in CCF big data and computational intelligence competition

Game address portal: CCF big data and computing intelligence competition First read the data import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns import gc import re import pandas as pd import lightgbm as lgb import numpy as np from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score, precision_recall_curve, roc_curve, average_precision_score from sklearn ...

Added by genesysmedia on Sun, 28 Nov 2021 08:15:17 +0200