MATLAB signal and system

1. MATLAB representation of basic signal 1.1. Exponential signal %Exponential signal A*exp(a*t) t = 0:0.1:10; A = 1; a = -0.4; ft = A * exp(a *t ); plot(t,ft) 1.2. Exponential series %Exponential series b^k use.^realization k = 1:0.1:10; b = 3; ft1 = b.^k; plot(ft1) 1.3. sine signal Note that the signal is in radian system (si ...

Added by gazoo on Wed, 02 Feb 2022 16:36:30 +0200

knn(k-nearest neighbor algorithm) -- matlab

catalogue 1. Basic definitions 2. Algorithm principle 2.1 advantages and disadvantages of the algorithm 2.2 algorithm parameters 2.3 variants 3. Distance formula in the algorithm 4. Case realization 4.1 reading data 4.2 separate training set and test set 4.3 normalization 4.4 calculating Euclidean distance 4.5 # sorting and outputti ...

Added by rach123 on Wed, 02 Feb 2022 15:13:25 +0200

Experiment 5 design of analog filter based on MATLAB

1, Purpose of the experiment: 1. Deepen the understanding of common indicators of analog filter; 2. Learn the frequency conversion in analog filter; 3. Design the analog filter according to the index requirements and process the signal. 2, Experimental principle: The design of analog filter is the basis of other filter design, and its de ...

Added by wilsonodk on Tue, 01 Feb 2022 22:27:29 +0200

Matlab summary 5 (graph theory)

G = graph(s,t,weights) -- use node pair group s,t and weight vector weights Create weighted undirected graph G = graph(s,t,weights,nodes) -- use character vector cell array nodes Specify node name G = graph(s,t,weights,num) -- use the numerical scalar num to specify the value in the graph Number of nodes G = graph(A[,nodes],type) - constructed ...

Added by tHud on Tue, 01 Feb 2022 08:20:25 +0200

MATLAB language basic knowledge matrix and multi-dimensional array

Multi dimensional array in MATLAB refers to an array with more than two dimensions. In a matrix, two dimensions are represented by rows and columns. Each element is defined by two subscripts, namely row index and column index. A multidimensional array is an extension of a two-dimensional matrix and is indexed with additional subscripts. For e ...

Added by brighton on Mon, 31 Jan 2022 18:49:41 +0200

Synoptic diagnosis and analysis I practice report

Practice purpose Be familiar with the application of iterative method in meteorology, and master the actual programming and calculation of stability index. Practice content 1. It is known that the 6h reanalysis data in 2020 include temperature, height, relative humidity and horizontal wind field. The pseudo equivalent potential temperature a ...

Added by pohopo on Mon, 31 Jan 2022 13:43:46 +0200

Matlab analysis function, polynomial, nonlinear function

catalogue 1 data analysis function library 1.1 basic data analysis 1.2 functions for random data analysis 1.3 functions for correlation analysis 2. Polynomial function library 2.1} four operations of polynomials 2.2 derivation, root and evaluation of polynomials 2.3 polynomial fitting 2.4 solutions of linear differential equations 3. ...

Added by amylou on Mon, 31 Jan 2022 07:32:52 +0200

MATLAB image processing -- Otsu threshold segmentation (with code)

catalogue Otsu threshold Algorithm flow Flow chart representation result code Otsu threshold Otsu threshold, also known as the maximum variance threshold, was proposed by Otsu zhanzhi of Japan in 1979. It is derived based on the principle of discrimination and least square method. Its basic idea is to maximize the variance between cla ...

Added by dysonline on Sat, 29 Jan 2022 22:22:56 +0200

Optimization algorithm of invasive weeds

Article catalogue 1, Theoretical basis 1. Algorithm Introduction2. Weed characteristics2, Case background 1. Problem description2. Problem solving ideas and steps (1) Initialize population(2) Reproduction(3) Spatial distribution(4) Competitive exclusion rule3. Algorithm flow3, MATLAB program implementation 1. Clear environment va ...

Added by Nuv on Sat, 29 Jan 2022 06:58:32 +0200

[DVRP] solve VRP Problem with distance based on Matlab genetic and particle swarm optimization algorithm [including Matlab source code 1036]

1, Introduction 1 overview of genetic algorithm Genetic Algorithm (GA) is a part of evolutionary computation. It is a computational model that simulates the biological evolution process of Darwin's genetic selection and natural elimination. It is a method to search the optimal solution by simulating the natural evolution process. The algorithm ...

Added by chwebdesigns on Sat, 29 Jan 2022 01:56:17 +0200